Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the corporate planning process for 2005-06.


THAT the corporate planning process for 2005-06 should be along similar lines to that operated over the past year, subject to some modifications, with the following key products and milestones:

        i.            an audit in July 2005 to test whether directorate and service plans for 2005-06 are being used effectively to manage performance;

      ii.            the full integration of budgetary, risk and corporate/service planning processes;

    iii.            a long-term programme of work to test, challenge and improve performance indicators and targets;

    iv.            an away-day for Cabinet and the Chief Executive’s Management Team, at an appropriate time following the Government’s announcement of its three-year spending plans in July,  to agree priorities and other elements of the framework for the Corporate Plan 2006-09;

      v.            Cabinet agreement to the Corporate Plan 2006-09 in autumn 2005 to provide the basis for the preparation of the draft Annual Operating, directorate and service plans for 2006-07;

    vi.            Council approval of the Corporate Plan 2006-09 in November 2005;

  vii.            bearing in mind that extensive consultation on strategic service and budget consultation is an integral and valued part of the Council’s planning process but having regard to the clear results from the extensive consultation that took place as recently as autumn 2004, there should not be a further such exercise in 2005 unless financial or other material circumstances change significantly in the coming months;

viii.            consider in due course whether targeted consultation needs to take place on  budget issues and Council Tax levels for 2006-07, with key service levels and issues as context; 

    ix.            continue to roll out the Community Involvement Strategy, together with consideration of annual public satisfaction and follow-up surveys, taking account of the needs and wishes of Council Tax-payers and customers that emerge before taking decisions on priorities and associated budget-setting;

      x.            Cabinet approval of the Annual Operating Plan in March 2006, including budgets;

    xi.            directorate and service plans to be approved in March 2006.  

Reasons for the decision:

The Council has put in place a corporate planning process, linked directly to its performance management framework, that enables it to be clear about its priorities and how they will be achieved, including the management of risk and the deployment of financial and other resources.  Significant progress has been made in 2004-05 but, to ensure that it is fully effective, there is a need to build on the experience of the first round and tailor the 2005-06 round to current and foreseeable circumstances.

Alternative options considered:

Having put in place a comprehensive corporate planning process, possible options are about the details of how it should operate.  The proposals in this paper are based on a thorough evaluation of how to maximise its efficiency and effectiveness.  No alternative options are therefore proposed.

Publication date: 25/05/2005

Date of decision: 19/05/2005

Decided at meeting: 19/05/2005 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: