Decision details

High Needs Budget 2020/21

Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and families

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) high needs budget for 2020/21 as recommended by Schools Forum.



That:  the high needs budget for 2020/21 having regard to the views of the Schools Forum be approved as follows;

(a)       Complex needs funding £2,285,745;

(b)       Independent special schools £1,100,000;

(c)       Special school top-up funding £3,484,650;

(d)       Special school commissioned places £1,593,000;

(e)       High needs contingency £105,963;

(f)        Mainstream school top-up funding £2,087,525;

(g)       Nurture provision, from September 2020  £116,667;

(h)       Pupil Referral Service to retain income from charges £90,000;

(i)        SEN protection scheme for primary and secondary schools £385,000;

(j)        H3 Home, Hospital and Hub £382,500;

(k)       Autism and Language units top-up funding £286,925;

(l)        Pupil Referral Unit support fund £75,000;

(m)     Early years top-up funding £175,000;

(n)       Autism and Language Units commissioned places £282,000;

(o)       Pupil Referral Service top-up funding £376,875

(p)       Pupil Referral Service commissioned places at 65 summer term and 50 autumn and spring £562,000;

(q)       SEN support services

(i)            Additional Needs SEN advisor £203,750;

(ii)          Complex Learning Communications £122,550;

(iii)         Equalities team –inclusion £232,450;

(iv)         Behaviour Outreach – final year £9,000;

(v)          Physical & Sensory team £407,500;

(vi)         Managed moves £5,000;

(vii)        Business support £73,000;

(viii)      DSG Services £125,900;

(r)        Charges and income

(i)            Excluded pupils (AWPU)/ Hospital  -£315,000;

(ii)          Local authority recoupment    -£200,000;

(iii)         Transfer from schools block   -£300,000;

(iv)         Transfer from Central services block  -£60,500.


Alternative options considered:

1.         Schools Forum chose not to recommend any amendments to the proposed high needs budget at their meeting on 13th March 2020. Any amendments would need to have regard to available funding, relevant regulations and the local authority’s statutory duties in supporting children and young people with high needs. It should be noted that the Budget Working Group has considered and supported the proposals set out in this report. Schools Forum and headteachers will be able to monitor the high needs budget and propose alternative options for the future as necessary as the Budget Working Group meets and reports to the Schools Forum throughout the year.

2.         Improvements in service provision are proposed by the introduction of nurture provision in September 2020. Discussions with headteachers are in hand to design the nurture provision and a number of options will be considered as discussions progress. No reductions in service provision are proposed.


Reason Key: Expenditure;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);


Schools Forum 13th March 2020

Contact: Malcolm Green, Strategic Finance Manager Email: Tel: 01432 260818.

Publication date: 27/03/2020

Date of decision: 27/03/2020

Effective from: 03/04/2020

Accompanying Documents: