Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


On 18 February 2010 the Cabinet agreed that the Council should continue to develop the Shared Services using one or more of three models as appropriate, noted that the Business Transformation Board was responsible for implementing Shared Services and authorised the Deputy Chief Executive to progress negotiations and seek further decisions from the Cabinet as necessary.

The purpose of this report is to update the Cabinet on negotiations, to report the findings of an appraisal and evaluation of the three models and to seek agreement to progress using a public-public partnership as the preferred model.

A similar report seeking the same decisions will be presented to the PCT Board on 25 March 2010.



THAT Cabinet

(a)               agreed the preferred option for the delivery and commissioning of the shared services to be a Joint Venture Company (representing a public public partnership) involving the Council, NHSH and HHT;

(b)               authorised the Deputy Chief Executive (DCE) to progress and take all necessary steps to establish a JVCo in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council and Trust Boards;

(c)               seek a further report on the formal decision to agree the terms of the Council’s participation in the JVCo to be presented to a future meeting of Cabinet.


Reasons for the decision:

1.                  To enable work on Shared Services to progress and to enable the projected benefits and costs savings for 2010-11 financial year to be delivered.


Alternative options considered:

1.                  Alternative options have been evaluated as part of the options appraisal (Appendix 1).


Publication date: 19/03/2010

Date of decision: 18/03/2010