Agenda item
2025/26 Capital Investment Budget and Capital Strategy Update
To recommend to Council for approval the revised capital investment budget and capital strategy for 2025/26 onwards.
The member for finance and corporate services introduced the report. It was highlighted there had been two changes to the report since the draft was presented on 13 January 2025. The first was at paragraph 15 which now stated that the council aims to start construction of the scheme to the south of the city within the period 2026/27. The second was in appendix E and each outline business case now included a link to the four aspects of the Council Plan. It was raised that inclusion in the capital programme was not approval to proceed and that each project would be subject to its own governance. A full business case would be presented for approval where required and in full compliance with the council’s contract procedures and rules as applicable.
It was highlighted that the public consultation showed strong support across the key areas of the proposed additions to the capital programme. The additions were included in Appendix A alongside the outline strategic business cases in Appendix E. The additions would; mitigate key revenue budget pressures; improve the use of technology to deliver efficiencies and innovation in services to residents; deliver new infrastructure to support growth opportunities for housing and businesses; encourage active lifestyles for children and young people; investment in play areas to develop cultural and creative spaces for residents and visitors; reduce the impact of flooding; improve road safety across the county and continued investment in the county’s road network.
It was confirmed that Appendix A set out the proposed additions to the existing capital programme and the impact of approving those. It was confirmed that 18 capital investment budget proposals had been identified totalling £58.15m. It was highlighted that the capital strategy in Appendix D had been developed in accordance with the CIFA guidelines and was an accessible single source for the reader.
It was noted that the capital investment proposals supported the County Plan and the Delivery Plan. The overall aim of capital expenditure is to benefit the community to improve facilities and promote economic growth.
It was confirmed that a specific community impact assessment, which would include any health and safety implications, or corporate parenting responsibilities would be included in the decision report for any new capital scheme commencing an incurring spend. Whilst the budget setting document would not detail specific environmental impact considerations, these would be considered in line with the council's environmental policy.
Comments from cabinet members. It was positively noted by the cabinet member for transport and infrastructure that the capital funding for the Road Safety scheme of £3m was included. The issue of visibility on the roads was also raised and it was commented whether this was due to too much traffic, brighter car lights or poor roads and this should be considered for future funding.
Group leaders gave the views of their groups. There was support for the capital programme and the additions to the capital programme.
Mixed comments were provided regarding the Southern Link Road, stating it was welcomed, and it was what members of the public. Whilst the alternative stated its inclusion in the capital programme was premature. Concern was also raised whether the programme would be deliverable. It was noted that consistency in messages around the bypass was important as well as ensuring the cabinet followed the council’s policies and procedures diligently.
It was commented that from an environmental perspective, it wasn’t solely about minimising waste and resources but also about thorough environmental impact assessments taking place.
There were no responses to the points and comments made.
Councillor James left the meeting.
Councillor Stoddart proposed the recommendations, and it was unanimously resolved that the following be recommended to Council
That: Cabinet recommends the following to Council
a) To approve the revised capital programme for 2024/25 attached at appendix C;
b) Approve the capital strategy at appendix D; and
c) Approve the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts of up to £0.6million in 2024/25 and £0.6million in 2025/26, to support transformation to generate ongoing revenue savings and reduce service delivery costs in future years
Supporting documents:
2025/26 Capital Investment Budget and Capital Strategy Update, item 61.
PDF 715 KB
Appendix A - Proposed Capital Investment Additions from 2025/26, item 61.
PDF 441 KB
Appendix B - Current Status of Approved Capital Programme, item 61.
PDF 205 KB
Appendix C - Total Proposed Capital Programme, item 61.
PDF 214 KB
Appendix D - Proposed Capital Strategy, item 61.
PDF 909 KB
Appendix E - Outline Strategic Business Cases for Capital Investment Proposals, item 61.