Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, The Shire Hall, St Peter's Square, Hereford, HR1 2HX

Contact: Governance Services 

Note: To consider the recommendation of Cabinet regarding the adoption of the Core Strategy. Questions to be taken from the public relating to the Core Stategy only. N.B. Please note we have extended time for receipt of public questions until midday on 12 October 2015. 

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Councillors PA Andrews, ACR Chappell, PGH Cutter, TM James, RJ Phillips, P Rone and NE Shaw.



To receive any declarations of interest by Members in respect of items on the Agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.



To receive questions from members of the public.


A copy of the public questions and written answers, together with supplementary questions asked at the meeting and their answers, is attached to the Minutes at Appendix 1.


Adoption of the Herefordshire local plan - core strategy 2011-2031 pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To consider the adoption of the Herefordshire local plan core strategy 2011-2031 (“the core strategy”).

Additional documents:


Council considered the adoption of the Herefordshire local plan core strategy 2011-2031 (“the core strategy”).

The chairman stated that he had attended the cabinet meeting on 15 October which had discussed its recommendation to council on the adoption of the Strategy.  A point of order had been raised at that meeting seeking assurance that a proper process had been followed in respect of the documentation produced for that meeting.  He considered it appropriate that all members were advised of the response provided by the monitoring officer.

The monitoring officer confirmed that Council was being asked to consider the adoption of the core strategy available online at the link provided as modified by the main and minor modifications set out at appendix 2 and appendix 3 respectively of the report.  All three documents had been published as part of the agenda papers within the required timescale.   A further consolidated document had subsequently been published for ease of reference but that was not a document that the Council was being asked to adopt.  She was satisfied that relevant procedural requirements had been met.  

A member commented that the consolidated document that had been produced included several appendices to the Core Strategy.  It was asked whether the Council was being asked to adopt those documents too, noting that they had not been published with the agenda papers five clear days in advance of the meeting.   It was asked whether the situation left the Council vulnerable to challenge.

The Monitoring Officer confirmed that all the documents published in relation to the local plan were available via the link to the Council’s website published in the agenda papers and had been published a least five clear days in advance of the meeting.  Whilst it was open to anyone to challenge a decision of the Council she did not consider that a challenge made on the procedural grounds identified would be successful.

The Chairman then invited the assistant director, economic, environmental and cultural services to explain the adoption process in order that members were fully informed.

The assistant director outlined the process to date, the point that had now been reached, the outcome if Council approved the recommendation to adopt the Strategy, what would happen next and arrangements for review of the Plan.

Councillor Price, cabinet member – infrastructure proposed the motion.  He outlined the process that had been followed since Council had agreed the draft plan in July 2013.  Following the examination in public of the Plan the Inspector had required major modifications to be made.  These had been produced and consulted on.  A number of minor modifications had also been made.  The Inspector had concluded that the Plan being recommended to council for adoption was sound.

Councillor AW Johnson – leader of the council seconded the motion.

(The meeting adjourned between 10.42 and 10.55 am to allow for production and circulation of paper copies of the recommendations made by Cabinet on the previous day.)

The recommendations made to Council by Cabinet on 15 October  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.

Public QA OCtober 2015 & supplementaries 2 pdf icon PDF 132 KB