

21/03/2023 - Outsourcing of Litter and Dog Fouling Enforcement ref: 9376    Recommendations Approved

To procure an outside organisation to provide littering and dog fouling enforcement within the county of Herefordshire for a trial period of 12 months with an option to extend for up to 5 years.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member housing, regulatory services and community

Decision published: 21/03/2023

Effective from: 28/03/2023



(a)  An outside organisation be procured to provide littering and dog fouling enforcement within the county of Herefordshire for a trial period of 12 months, with an option to extend for up to 5 years on a 3 year plus 1 year plus 1 year basis; and

(b)  Authority be delegated to the corporate director economy and environment, following consultation with the cabinet member, to award the contract and take all operational decisions to implement the contract.



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David Hough

23/02/2023 - Quarter 3 Budget and Performance ref: 9340    Recommendations Approved

To review performance for Quarter 3 2022/23 and the forecast budget outturn for the year.

To provide assurance that progress has been made towards delivery of the agreed revenue budget and service delivery targets, and that the reasons for major variances or potential under-performance are understood and are being addressed to the cabinet’s satisfaction. The forecast 2022/23 outturn shows a net overspend of £9.1 million after the use of reserves and recovery plan actions. The proportion of performance measures showing an improvement, or remaining the same compared to the same period last year is 66%. At the end of the quarter, 81% of actions from the delivery plan are identified as complete or are progressing within planned timescales.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 24/02/2023

Effective from: 04/03/2023



a)    Cabinet, having reviewed performance and financial forecast for year 2022/23, as set out in the appendices A-E, have not identified any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvements.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Appy Reddy

24/11/2022 - The future use and refurbishment of Shirehall ref: 9180    Recommendations Approved

To agree which of the presented recommendations, if any, present a preferred way forward

regarding the investment in council owned heritage sites within Hereford city centre, namely,

Shirehall to inform the capital bid process and to invite Cabinet to propose alternative

recommendations for further development and consideration.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 01/12/2022




a)    Cabinet agree to place the report on hold to allow further investigations on potential future uses of the building linked to the outcome of the Corporate Asset Review and the outcome of the planned asset transfer of the Town Hall;

b)    Delegated authority is given to the Director Resources and Assurance following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Commissioning, Procurement and Assets to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the preferred recommendation;

c)     If option 1 is chosen, then not more than £60k from the ‘Solar photovoltaic panels’ capital budget be drawn for the installation of solar panels on Shirehall and the Sustainability and Climate Change Manager be given delegated authority for all operational decisions relating to the installation of solar PV on Shirehall;

d)    If option 3 is chosen, then the staff car park (M-F) at the Shirehall be reviewed to consider if it can be made available for public pay and display parking for seven days per week until a formal decision on the future of the site can be made;

Delegated authority is given to the Director Economy & Environment following consultation with the Cabinet Member Infrastructure and Transport to take operational decisions necessary to alter the parking order at Shirehall temporarily

Wards affected: Central; College;

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

24/11/2022 - Quarter 2 Budget and Performance ref: 9182    Recommendations Approved

To review performance for Quarter 2 2022/23 and the forecast budget outturn for the year.


To provide assurance that progress has been made towards delivery of the agreed revenue budget and service delivery targets, and that the reasons for major variances or potential under-performance are understood and are being addressed to the cabinet’s satisfaction.


The forecast 2022/23 outturn shows a net overspend of £8.7 million after the use of reserves and recovery plan.


The proportion of performance measures showing an improvement, or remaining the same compared to the same period last year is 64%. At the end of the quarter, 82% of actions from the delivery plan are identified as complete or are progressing within planned timescales

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 24/11/2022

Effective from: 01/12/2022




a)    Cabinet, having reviewed performance and financial forecast for year 2022/23, as set out in the appendices A-E, has not identified any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvements.



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Appy Reddy

04/11/2022 - Brookfield School - PreConstruction Cost ref: 9153    Recommendations Approved

To approve spend of up to £370,000 pre-construction cost to enable the surrender of a lease to acquire possession of land required to redevelop Brookfield School, start the gas diversion process prior to school redevelopment and re-engage with existing consultants to tender project.

Decision Maker: Director of Resources and Assurance

Decision published: 14/11/2022

Effective from: 19/11/2022



a) spend of up to £370,000 from the Capital Development budget be approved to start the pre-construction tasks needed to commence the Brookfield Special School capital

improvement programme.

b) The Corporate Director, Children and Young People services is authorised, to take all operational decisions relating to the above recommendations including contracts ,and

c) Authority be delegated to the Director of Strategic Assets Delivery to finalise and

complete all necessary deeds of surrender and leases with both the Brookfield School

and the Greyhound Rugby Football Club

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Richard Andrews

28/10/2022 - Proposed designation of 'Rural area' for Herefordshire under the Housing Act 1985 ref: 9124    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval to apply to the Secretary of State in order to designate the rural parishes of Herefordshire as ‘rural’ under Section 157 of the Housing Act 1985.

This will enable the Council the flexibility to develop affordable housing policy thresholds on sites less than 10 units in rural areas as part of the emerging Local Plan 2021-2024

Decision Maker: Cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning

Decision published: 10/11/2022

Effective from: 04/11/2022



a) an application under section 157 of the Housing Act 1985 be made to the Secretary of State to designate as ‘rural’ each of the qualifying parishes within the County of

Herefordshire as listed in Appendix 3 to the report.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Samantha Banks

04/11/2022 - Additional arrangements for commissioned home care ref: 9142    Recommendations Approved

To approve the development and implementation of a range of home care commissioning options, including an additional, open framework for the purchasing of commissioned home care services, to ensure sufficient quality and capacity is available in Herefordshire to support the eligible needs of adults to remain safe and independent in their own home.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member health and adult wellbeing

Decision published: 04/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022



a) A range of commissioning options are explored, developed and implemented, subject to further governance as required, to complement the existing commissioned home care framework;

b) An additional, open framework for the purchasing of commissioned home care services can be introduced, following a competitive tender process, from November 2022; and

c) The corporate director for community wellbeing is authorised to take all operational and commissioning decisions necessary to implement the above recommendations

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ewen Archibald

01/11/2022 - Substance Misuse Grant Funding ref: 9135    Recommendations Approved

To approve and accept additional government grant funding to provide enhanced substance misuse services and to fulfil statutory requirements of the drug strategy.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member health and adult wellbeing

Decision published: 01/11/2022

Effective from: 08/11/2022



a)    Approval is given to accept additional government grant funding to provide enhanced substance misuse services in Herefordshire and to fulfil statutory requirements of the national drug strategy From Harm to Hope; and

Delegated authority is given to the Director of Public Health, to accept further funding grants from Office for Health Improvement and Disparities towards substance misuse services associated with the 10-year Harm to Hope national drug strategy

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Luke Bennett

07/10/2022 - Proposed Education Legislation (the Education White Paper)

To consider the planned legislative proposals for Education and its impact on local authorities' roles in supporting education, multi-academy trusts, school placements planning and school improvement.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 22/11/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ceri Morgan

Notice of decision: 07/10/2022

Anticipated restriction: Open

06/10/2022 - Discharge to Assess (D2A) - Block Purchase of Home Care October 2022 ref: 9100    Recommendations Approved

The demand for the Discharge to Access (D2A) home care provision continues to be high and the council needs to extend the two fixed term, existing block contracts for a further 250 hours per week for each contract (500 hours in total).

Due to the late nature of confirmation from the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and lack of commissioning staff this has given little time to secure alternative provision.

Approval is sought for a 12 week period to ensure continuity of the current arrangements to support timely hospital discharge, continue to assist in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 and the current pressures on the health and social care system. This will ensure the capacity and availability of home care and support to enable timely hospital discharge of people who are medically fit to return home.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing

Decision published: 06/10/2022

Effective from: 06/10/2022

Lead officer: Hilary Hall

29/09/2022 - Decision to approve and sign a Statement of Common Ground with members of the West Midlands Resource Technical Advisory Group (WMRTAB) relating to the statutory Duty to Cooperate. ref: 9098    Recommendations Approved

Planning Context
The Government’s policy on waste planning (National Planning Policy for Waste, 2014), which sits alongside the National Planning Policy Framework, states:
“Waste is a strategic issue which can be addressed effectively through close co-operation between waste planning authorities and other local planning authorities and public bodies to ensure a suitable and sustainable network of waste management facilities is in place.”
It goes on to set out actions that constitute effective cooperation under the Duty to Cooperate.

Purpose of the WMRTAB Statement of Common Ground (SoCG)
The WMRTAB SoCG, at Appendix A, endorses the principal that members of the WMRTAB group will work together on strategic matters that are of larger than local significance. This includes:
• setting the context for plan making and monitoring at the local level;
• sharing of expertise in waste related matters;
• informing, involving and consulting each other on waste plans and developments relating to waste management in the West Midlands; and
• monitoring and waste management and planning trends.

To add full value, in terms of the Duty to Cooperate, the RTAB’s role should be formally recognised by the member waste planning authorities (and preferably by others to whom the duty to cooperate applies) through the SoCG, which also includes the WMRTAB’s terms of reference.

The SoCG sets the protocol (as originally produced by the Chairs of regional Waste Technical Advisory Bodies), which RTAB member authorities will follow when establishing the need for cooperation.

Next Steps
The WMRTAB SoCG has been sent to members for signatures. Once all are received, the SoCG will solidify the role of the WMRTAB in assisting member waste planning authorities in ensuring compliance with the statutory Duty to Cooperate on waste planning matters.

Appendix A: West Midlands Resource Technical Advisory Body Statement of Common Ground (September 2022).

Decision Maker: Service Director - Economy and Regulatory

Decision published: 04/10/2022

Effective from: 29/09/2022

Lead officer: Tracey Coleman

04/10/2022 - Appointments to council committees and outside bodies

To make appointments to the committees of the Council and outside bodies in line with the rules of political proportionality.

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 21/10/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Matthew Evans

Notice of decision: 04/10/2022

Anticipated restriction: Open

29/09/2022 - Authorisation to spend designated funding for Public Transport infrastructure Improvements ref: 9097    Recommendations Approved

Public Transport Infrastructure is in need of investment to improve the image of public transport in the County and to attract residents to make greater use of sustainable modes of transport.

A condition survey carried out in 2019 indicated a significant number of bus shelters that require repair, upgrading, or replacement. Since the survey was completed the condition of the assets has declined further as there has not been an allocated budget for maintenance and renewal.

The council’s recently published bus service improvement plan (BSIP) has identified the importance of infrastructure in maintaining patronage levels, and attracting new passengers to public transport, in turn reducing reliance on unsustainable modes of transport.

Progressing this program would help to deliver the council’s identified County Plan success measures:
• Work in partnership with others to reduce county carbon emissions
• Improve the air quality within Herefordshire
• Increase the number of short distance trips being undertaken by sustainable modes of travel – walking, cycling, public transport

Progressing this program would help to deliver the council’s identified Local Transport Plan objectives:
• Provide a good quality transport network for all users – by being proactive in our asset management and by working closely with the public, Highways England and rail and bus
• Make journeys easier and safer – by making bus and rail tickets compatible and easier to buy and use, by providing ‘real time’ information at well-equipped transport hubs, by improving signage to walking and cycling routes and by helping people feel safe during their journeys.

The council’s budget for 2022/23 was approved at a full council meeting held on 11th February 2022. This included a capital allocation of £300k over 2 years to upgrade bus shelters in the County.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment

Decision published: 04/10/2022

Effective from: 29/09/2022

Lead officer: Ross Cook

03/10/2022 - Progress Report

This report provides a brief summary update on issues previously considered by the Scrutiny Management Board, including responses to information requests made by the committee, updates on resolutions made by the committee, including reports and recommendations to the executive and the Executive Response and executive decision made in respect of scrutiny reports and recommendations.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 11/10/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michael Carr

Notice of decision: 03/10/2022

Anticipated restriction: Open

23/09/2022 - High Needs Provision Capital Allocation Grant: Hampton Dene Primary School Feasibility Study and Outline Design ref: 9088    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

To approve expenditure from the 2021/22 high needs provision capital allocation grant to enable a feasibility study and RIBA Stage 3 Spatial Co-ordination (formerly developed design) work to be undertaken at Hampton Dene Primary School to increase capacity at the school for specialist education provision.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Children & Young People

Decision published: 03/10/2022

Effective from: 23/09/2022



a)    A feasibility study and RIBA Stage 3 Spatial Co-ordination for Hampton Dene Primary School are commissioned within an approved budget of £81,815 from the 2021/22 high needs provision capital allocation grant; and

b)    The Service Director for Education, Development and Skills be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to deliver the feasibility studies and spatial design within the approved budget of £81,815 including fees.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Caroline Marshall, Ceri Morgan

29/09/2022 - Quarter 1 Budget & Performance Report ref: 9083    Recommendations Approved

To review performance for Quarter 1 2022/23 and the forecast budget outturn for the year.
To provide assurance that progress has being made towards delivery of the agreed revenue budget and service delivery targets, and that the reasons for major variances or potential under-performance are understood and are being addressed to the cabinet’s satisfaction.
The forecast 2022/23 outturn shows a net overspend of £9.4 million.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 29/09/2022

Effective from: 06/10/2022


a)    Cabinet review performance and financial forecast for year 2022/23, as set out in the appendices A-E, and identifies any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvements.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Appy Reddy

29/09/2022 - Annual review of earmarked reserves ref: 9096    Recommendations Approved

To note and review the earmarked reserves held by the council.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 29/09/2022

Effective from: 06/10/2022


(a)    Note the Earmarked Reserves balances held at 31 March 2022 as at Appendix 1.

(b)    Approve the following movements in reserves to fund the following projects:

a.     Implementation of countywide 20mph speed limit zones £1.2m.

b.    School travel plan support £0.31m

c.     Building retrofit and supply chain development £0.58m

d.    Further development of the Eastern River crossing business case £1m

e.     Reducing the backlog of Traffic regulation orders and carrying out further signing and lining £0.66m

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Joanne Moore

29/09/2022 - Cabinet Commission - Restoring the Wye ref: 9085    Recommendations Approved

Following the cabinet decision to establish a cabinet working group on 28th July 2022, Cabinet is asked to note the Terms of Reference and Membership for the 'Phosphates Commission - Restoring the River Wye’.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 29/09/2022

Effective from: 06/10/2022


Cabinet agree the Terms of Reference and Membership for the 'Cabinet Commission - Restoring the River Wye’.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ben Boswell

29/09/2022 - Inspection of Herefordshire Children's Services ref: 9084    Recommendations Approved

To present the recently published report detailing the findings of the inspection by Ofsted inspectors of Herefordshire Council children’s services in July 2022 and to outline both the action taken immediately and since the inspection to address some of the concerns raised, and the implications of the Statutory Direction issued by the Secretary of State.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 29/09/2022

Effective from: 06/10/2022



a)    Cabinet receive and note the Ofsted inspection report;

b)    Cabinet note any comments and recommendations from the extraordinary council meeting to be held on 30 September 2022, these to be considered prior to the submission of the action plan to Ofsted by 20 December 2022;

c)    Cabinet to receive updated reports until further notice of actions taken and improvements against the inspection report; and

d)    The action plan once finalised be approved by cabinet for submission to Ofsted by 20 December 2022.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Darryl Freeman

30/09/2022 - To agree the Technology Enabled Communities Programme scope, funding and recommendations ref: 9075    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of the report is to agree the scope, funding allocation and recommendations for delivery of the Technology Enabled Communities (TEC) Programme.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member health and adult wellbeing

Decision published: 29/09/2022

Effective from: 07/10/2022



a)    The revised scope for the Technology Enabled Communities (TEC) programme be approved, including Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) funding to deliver the identified projects as set out in paragraph 10 of this report;


b)    The funding allocation of £2.692m to deliver the TEC programme is authorised, reflecting the revised scope and excluding the LoRaWAN (Long range wide area network) project and that the remaining £1.462m capital element for the programme is reverted back to revenue funding;


c)      Authority is delegated to the Corporate Director Community Wellbeing to take all operational and budgetary decisions to implement the TEC programme, utilising the approved TEC programme budget. 



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michelle Wood

22/09/2022 - To approve the expenditure of up to £303,290 for the roofing works at Hampton Dene Primary School, Hereford. ref: 9095    Recommendations Approved

The roofing works at Hampton Dene Primary School, Hereford are
planned works included in the 2021-2023 Schools Capital Maintenance

An expedited tender process was carried out due to the urgency of the
works required, associated with the critical works already being undertaken
at the school.

To ensure all Council buildings are fit for purpose and maintained to the
standards set out in the condition survey to address suitability,
sustainability and affordability.

Decision Maker: Service Director - Education, Skills and Learning

Decision published: 29/09/2022

Effective from: 22/09/2022

Lead officer: Liz Farr

29/09/2022 - Future of Town Hall and No. 10 St. Owen's Street, Hereford ref: 9086    Recommendations Approved

To agree which of the presented recommendations, if any, offer a preferred way forward regarding the future of the Town Hall and 10 St. Owens Street and, to invite Cabinet to propose alternative recommendations for further development and consideration.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 29/09/2022

Effective from: 06/10/2022



(a)  Subject to agreement of heads of terms by 31 December 2022, to transfer the freehold of the Town Hall and No. 10 St Owens Street to Hereford City Council or it’s nominee with the transfer to be completed by 31 October 2023, and in the event that these deadlines are not met to complete an option appraisal which will include disposal on the open market;

(b)  the Director Resources and Assurance be authorised, subject to consultation with the Cabinet Member for Commissioning, Procurement and Assets, to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the preferred recommendation.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Andrew Husband, Sarah Jowett

28/09/2022 - 214073 - LAND ADJACENT TO ARROW LEA, EARDISLAND, LEOMINSTER, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR6 9BU ref: 9094    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Regulatory Committee

Made at meeting: 28/09/2022 - Planning and Regulatory Committee

Decision published: 28/09/2022

Effective from: 28/09/2022


Application refused in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation.

Wards affected: Arrow;

28/09/2022 - 214270 - LAND SOUTH WEST OF ROMAN BYRE, HEREFORDSHIRE ref: 9093    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Regulatory Committee

Made at meeting: 28/09/2022 - Planning and Regulatory Committee

Decision published: 28/09/2022

Effective from: 28/09/2022


Application refused in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation.

Wards affected: Wormside;

28/09/2022 - 193042 - LAND NORTH AND SOUTH OF GRAFTON LANE, HEREFORD, HR2 8BJ ref: 9092    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Regulatory Committee

Made at meeting: 28/09/2022 - Planning and Regulatory Committee

Decision published: 28/09/2022

Effective from: 28/09/2022


Application approved in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation.

Wards affected: Red Hill;

28/09/2022 - Progress Report

This report provides a brief summary update on issues previously considered by the Scrutiny Management Board, including responses to information requests made by the committee, updates on resolutions made by the committee, including reports and recommendations to the executive and the Executive Response and executive decision made in respect of scrutiny reports and recommendations.

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Management Board

Decision due date: 07/10/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michael Carr

Notice of decision: 28/09/2022

Anticipated restriction: Open

28/09/2022 - Corporate Risk Register    Recommendations Approved

To consider the status of the council's corporate risk register in order to monitor the effectiveness of risk management within the performance management framework

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 12/10/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Appy Reddy

Notice of decision: 28/09/2022

Anticipated restriction: Open

28/09/2022 - To adopt the process and policy for issuing penalties under the Tenants Fees Act 2019 ref: 9076    Recommendations Approved

To adopt the process and policy for issuing penalties under the Tenants Fees Act 2019.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member housing, regulatory services and community

Decision published: 28/09/2022

Effective from: 05/10/2022



a) To adopt the process and policy for issuing penalties under the Tenants Fees Act 2019 as Appendix G to the Overarching Enforcement and Prosecution Policy 2018; and

b) To delegate authority to the Trading Standards Service Manager and the Head of Public Protection to make all consequential technical amendments to the Overarching Enforcement and Prosecution Policy 2018 and its appendices as required by legislation and guidance issued by government.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David Hough

06/10/2022 - Revenue Lengthman's Grant ref: 9089    Recommendations Approved

To approve the addition of revenue grant funding to the Lengthman's Scheme, together with the changes to the scheme that will target help towards parishioners through their Town or Parish Council to better meet their riparian drainage responsibilities where such assistance will benefit highway users.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member Infrastructure and transport

Decision published: 28/09/2022

Effective from: 13/10/2022



a)    Up to £250k annually for 5 years will be made available from ear marked reserves to support the Lengthsman Scheme in the matter described in paragraph 9 of this report; and

b)    The Corporate Director for Economy and Environment be authorised to agree, following consultation with the S151 officer, any adjustment to the programme and budget allocation in the Public Realm Services Contract Annual Plan to include for administering the above funding and operations in support of the Lengthsman Scheme.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Christa Jackson, John Manterfield

26/09/2022 - Talk Community Website ref: 9057    Recommendations Approved

Approval to procure, develop and implement a single web platform for the Talk Community website that provides a one stop shop for information, advice and guidance to support the health and wellbeing of the residents of Herefordshire.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member housing, regulatory services and community

Decision published: 26/09/2022

Effective from: 01/10/2022


a) The council procures a single web platform for the Talk Community Website for a period of 3 years; with an option to extend incrementally each year for a period of 2 years; and with a maximum value of £240k.


b) The Corporate Director Community Wellbeing be authorised to take all operational decisions associated with the procurement, development and implementation of the Talk Community Website.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Rachel Watkins