03/10/2024 - The Report of the Herefordshire Independent Remuneration Panel
To approve and update the Herefordshire
councillors allowances scheme having regard to the
recommendations of the council’s independent remuneration
panel (IRP).
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 11/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: John Coleman
Notice of decision: 03/10/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
02/10/2024 - Contract mechanism for the purchase of block beds in care homes ref: 10318 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 03/10/2024
Effective from: 02/10/2024
Agreement to use a framework contract
mechanism in order to secure the procurement on the 30 block care
home beds agreed by cabinet in February 2024.
Lead officer: Kay Hughes
26/09/2024 - Grant two leases for the occupation of Grafton and Leominster waste depots in accordance with the new waste contract. ref: 10317 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Decision published: 03/10/2024
Effective from: 26/09/2024
The new waste contract comes operational from
the 1st September 2024.
The contract was procured and awarded in accordance with the above
cabinet decision.
The provider will operate from the two council owned depot sites at
Grafton and Leominster and needs a lease to reflect their exclusive
occupation of the sites for the period of the contract.
The leases are on full repairing terms.
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
30/09/2024 - Affordable and Social Housing
For Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee
to consider the
Decision Maker: Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 15/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Roger Allonby, Hayley Crane, Stephen Holland, Henry Merricks-Murgatroyd, Danial Webb
Notice of decision: 30/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
30/09/2024 - Grant acceptance and purchase of accommodation to address gaps in homelessness pathway provision ref: 10316 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 30/09/2024
Effective from: 30/09/2024
a) The Cabinet accepts the Department for
Levelling Up, Housing and Communities capital grant of
£910,000 for the purpose of purchasing a minimum of ten
properties and a revenue grant of £478,615 for dedicated
support workers and associated services;
b) Authority for acquisition of the properties and all associated
operational decisions including authority to award contracts for
improvement works and the negotiation of the lease to a housing
provider be delegated to the Corporate Director Community
Lead officer: Sarah Harris
30/09/2024 - Contract for the Corporate Director, Children and Young People
To agree an extension to the contract for the
temporary Corporate Director, Children and Young People.
Decision Maker: Employment Panel
Decision due date: 14/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Tracey Sampson
Notice of decision: 30/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - view reasons
27/09/2024 - Recommissioning of Stop Smoking Services
This report is to set out the recommendations
for recommissioning the Stop Smoking Service in
Decision Maker: Cabinet member adults, health and wellbeing
Decision due date: 01/11/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Natalie Johnson-Stanley
Notice of decision: 27/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
13/09/2024 - Decision to award the Weather Forecasting Service ref: 10315 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/09/2024
Effective from: 13/09/2024
To Award the Weather Forecasting Service
Contract to MetDesk Ltd for a contract value of £33,697.87
per annum, £101,093.61 for a 3 year period and
£129,977.49 should the further 6 months extension be
Lead officer: Bruce Evans
25/09/2024 - Procurement of general management and staffing of emergency accommodation for people experiencing rough sleeping for the period 2nd December 2024 up to a maximum of 31st May 2025. ref: 10314 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 27/09/2024
Effective from: 25/09/2024
To use grant funding received from the
Department of Levelling up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to
procure a provider to deliver general management and staffing of
emergency accommodation for people experiencing rough sleeping for
the period 2nd December 2024 up to a maximum of 31st May
The provision of emergency accommodation will provide an immediate
solution for those people at immediate risk of or currently
experiencing rough seeping in the county.
Lead officer: Wendy Dyer
26/09/2024 - To re-commission the technology enabled care and call monitoring service in Herefordshire ref: 10299 Recommendations Approved
To approve the proposed approach to re-commissioning a Technology Enabled Care Service (TECS) in Herefordshire. This is a joint service between Herefordshire Council and NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB).
The current contracts relating to technology related equipment and call monitoring end on 31 March 2025. This report details the intended approach to re-commission a new joint service from 1 April 2025, for up to five years. This is in line with both organisations statutory duty to provide community equipment, including telecare, as set out in the Care Act 2014.
Decision Maker: Cabinet member adults, health and wellbeing
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 03/10/2024
a) The joint re-commissioning of a new Technology Enabled Care Service (TECS) is approved to commence from 1 April 2025, for a period of two years with the option to extend annually up to a maximum contract term of five years. This will include all technology related equipment and call monitoring, as outlined in the below approach in paragraphs 5 to 14, up to a maximum contract value of £2.5million; and
b) Delegated authority be granted to the Corporate Director Community Wellbeing to implement recommendation (a) including the tender process, award of contract and all operational decisions for the duration of the contract.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Sharon Amery
26/09/2024 - To re-commission the Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) in Herefordshire ref: 10301 Recommendations Approved
To approve the proposed approach to re-commissioning the Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) in Herefordshire. This is a joint service between Herefordshire Council and NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB).
The current ICES contract ends on 31 March 2025. This report details the intended approach to re[1]commission a new joint service from 1 April 2025, for up to five years. This is in line with both organisations statutory duty to provide community equipment, as set out in the Care Act 2014 and Children and Families Act 2014.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 03/10/2024
a) The joint re-commissioning of a new Integrated Community Equipment Service is approved to commence from 1 April 2025, for a period of two years with the option to extend annually up to a maximum contract term of five years, at a maximum contract value of £9.1million; and
b) Delegated authority be granted to the Corporate Director for Community Wellbeing to implement recommendation (a) including the tender process, award of contract and all operational decisions for the duration of the contract.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Sharon Amery
26/09/2024 - Children and Young persons’ Improvement Plan – progress update ref: 10313 Recommendations Approved
The purpose of this report is to present cabinet with the Phase 2 Children’s Services Improvement Plan for endorsement on 13th July 24
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 03/10/2024
a) Cabinet endorse the Phase 2 Improvement Plan outlined in Appendix A
b) Cabinet authorise the Corporate Director for Children and Young People in consultation with the council’s Corporate Leadership Team to lead this improvement plan on behalf of the Council and to send it to Ofsted as part of the ongoing children’s services monitoring.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Victoria Gibbs, Rachel Gillott, Bart Popelier
03/09/2024 - Decision to award contract and approve the expenditure of up to £68,261.50 for Fire Stopping and Compartmentation Works at Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre ref: 10312 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
Award a contract to Bolts of Hereford Ltd for
Fire Stopping and Compartmentation Works at Herefordshire Archive
and Records Centre, Hereford, following a successful tender on the
Council’s procurement portal.
Approve the expenditure of up to £60,070.00 for the works,
which includes a contingency of up to £5,461.00.
Approve the expenditure of up to £2,730.50 for internal and
external professional fees.
Responsibility for monitoring the programme to be carried out by
the Capital Senior Project Manager within the spend
Lead officer: Bijoy Ali
20/03/2024 - Smoke Free Generation Funding ref: 10311 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Director of public health
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 20/03/2024
To accept Smoke Free Generation grant funding
(£226,000 each year 2024-2029) to enhance local stop smoking
To delegate all operational decisions to the Corporate Director for
Community and Wellbeing and Director of Public Health in
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Health and Wellbeing
and the s151 officer in accordance with the Smoke Free Generation
grant terms.
Lead officer: Natalie Johnson-Stanley
23/08/2024 - Contract Award for Herefordshire Ash Tree Survey 2024/25: Public Realm and Council Assets ref: 10310 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
To award a contract to Dryad Tree Specialists
Limited to deliver a Herefordshire Ash Tree Survey 2024/25 –
Public Realm and Council Assets, up to the maximum contract value
of £178,000.
Lead officer: Bijoy Ali
23/09/2024 - Public Realm Services Contract Lawer Expert Resource ref: 10309 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 23/09/2024
To award a contract to Bloom Procurement
Services Limited
under the Bloom Framework agreement, who will sub-contract
Anthony Collins LLP to provide the Contract Lawyer resource
for the new Public Realm contract.
The contract term is from 1 October 2024 to 18 December
Contract value
Estimate of £85,680 time charged for Milestones 1-8
Plus 30% Contingency at £25,704
Total provision of £111,384
Lead officer: Jenny Arnold
19/09/2024 - Renewal of Lease of Unit 7, Three Elms Trading Estate, Bakers Lane, Three Elms Road, Hereford ref: 10308 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 19/09/2024
The council owns a property investment
portfolio held to deliver optimum commercial returns through rental
income that is used to support the council’s strategic
objectives in line with the county plan 2020 – 2024.
The Council has appointed agents to undertake rent reviews and
lease renewals and following negotiations with the existing tenants
have made fully justified recommendations as to the terms of the
agreements and the level of rent to be agreed that reflect the
current market conditions.
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
18/09/2024 - Short-term License to Occupy in respect of Unit 41, 4 The Atrium, Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford. ref: 10307 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 18/09/2024
1. The tenant has negotiated a deal to take
the currently vacant Unit 41 on a short-term license
2. To provide the retailer with the experiences associated with the
permanent retail operation of a shop without the long-term
commitment normally associated with property rental
3. The Centre comprises multiple units, some of which have been
vacant for some time and it is important that occupation levels are
maximized so that the holding costs incurred by the Council are
4. This unit has been unoccupied since the previous tenant vacated
when Maylord Orchards was originally promoted as the site of the
new city library.
5. The terms agreed leave the tenant responsible for payment of the
service charge, insurance, business rates and utilities in line
with the Maylord Orchards Management Plan (January 2024).
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
18/09/2024 - Licence to occupy on a short term basis Council owned land at Hursey Road, South Magazine, Hereford Enterprise Zone, Rotherwas ref: 10306 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 18/09/2024
Construction of a new factory will be shortly
underway at Hursey Road and this licence covers temporary occupancy
by the construction company of immediately adjoining land to that
construction plot to assist the speedy delivery of that
construction project.
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
18/09/2024 - Parking lease in respect of Unit 48 & 49, Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford. ref: 10305 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 18/09/2024
1. The tenant’s existing license has
expired and their occupation needs to be regularized.
2. The Gym currently has 24 hours use of 10 spaces within the yard
with use of s further 10 between the hours of 6pm and 8am.
3. The lease will grant 24 hour use of 18 spaces with 2 being used
between the hours of 6pm and 8am.
4. The gym users currently use the spaces so the lease will
regularize their use.
5. The terms agreed leave the tenant responsible for payment of
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
18/09/2024 - Licence to occupy on short term basis Land at Festival Way Hereford Enterprise Zone, Rotherwas ref: 10304 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 18/09/2024
Festival Way car park was built in 2018 as a
general overflow car park for the north of the estate. It is also
utilized as a Council park and choose site. The car park has a
total 75 spaces and at the moment has a maximum of 12 users on any
given day.
A nearby local company wants to utilize spaces at the car park
whilst construction work for a major expansion is underway on their
own plot, temporarily significantly constraining their own
It is proposed that a licence is issued for an area encompassing 44
spaces at the back of the car park. The remaining area of 31 spaces
will continue to be used as a general car park and park and choose
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
26/09/2024 - Q1 2024/25 Budget Report ref: 10302 Recommendations Approved
To report the forecast position for 2024/25 at Quarter 1 (June 2024), including explanation and analysis of the drivers for the material budget variances, and to outline current and planned recovery activity to reduce the forecast overspend.
To provide assurance that progress has been made towards delivery of the agreed revenue budget and service delivery targets, and that the reasons for major variances are understood and are being addressed to the cabinet’s satisfaction.
The forecast 2024/25 outturn shows a net overspend of £10.8 million at Quarter 1, before management action estimated at £4.0 million to reduce the forecast overspend for 2024/25 to £6.8 million.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 03/10/2024
That: Cabinet
a) Review the financial forecast for 2024/25, as set out in the appendices A-D, and identifies any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvements; and
b) Note the management action identified to reduce the forecast outturn position for 2024/25; and
c) Agree the continuation and strengthening of management actions to reduce the forecast overspend as identified in this report
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
26/09/2024 - Q1 Performance Report ref: 10300 Recommendations Approved
To review performance for Quarter 1 (Q1) 2024/25 and to report the performance position across all Directorates for this period.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 26/09/2024
Effective from: 03/10/2024
That Cabinet:
a) review performance for Q1 2024/25
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Jessica Karia
25/09/2024 - Household Support Fund 6
To accept the Household Support Fund
allocation from the Department of Work and Pensions. To also
approve the local eligibility approach for allocation of the
funding for the Household Support Fund.
Decision Maker: Cabinet member finance and corporate services
Decision due date: 28/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Emily Lowe, William Merriman, Nikki Stroud
Notice of decision: 25/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
25/09/2024 - Work programme 2024/5
To agree the committee's work
Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 03/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Danial Webb
Notice of decision: 25/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
25/09/2024 - Hoople Ltd Update October 2024
To (i) brief the Shareholder Committee on the
performance of Hoople Ltd and (ii) seek approval of the Annual
Remit for the company
Decision Maker: Shareholder Committee
Decision due date: 14/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Hilary Hall, Sean O'Connor, Tracey Sampson
Notice of decision: 25/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - view reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs public interest in releasing as the paper contains commercial information as to pricing and intention for the company. Knowledge of which before the Council wishes to release this could have a negative financial effect for the company and by association the public purse.
25/09/2024 - Cyber Quarter Limited Update October 2024
To (i) brief to the Shareholder Committee on
the current position with the company and (ii) to seek the
expectations of the shareholders through the Annual Remit
Decision Maker: Shareholder Committee
Decision due date: 14/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Sean O'Connor, Rachael Sanders, Judith Tranmer
Notice of decision: 25/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - view reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs public interest in releasing as the paper contains commercial information as to rentals and intention for the company. Knowledge of which before the Council wishes to release this could have a negative financial effect for the company and by association the public purse.
25/09/2024 - Children and Young People's Workforce Strategy ref: 10296 Recommendations Approved
To approve, for implementation in September 2024 the council’s Children & Young People Workforce Strategy 2024-2028.
Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and young people
Decision published: 25/09/2024
Effective from: 02/10/2024
a) The Children`s and Young Peoples Workforce Strategy be approved.
b) Delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director for Children and Young People to take all operational decisions that fall within the responsibility of Herefordshire Council to complete, as set out within this strategy.
c) Delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director for Children and Young People to make technical, grammatical and minor amendments to the strategy.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Caroline Marshall, Debbie Thompson, Danielle Pyemont
23/09/2024 - Merton Meadow Flood Alleviation Scheme ref: 10298 Recommendations Approved
The purpose of this report is to seek approval for spend up to £800,000 of the Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLRF) grant fund previously awarded by government for the Merton Meadow sites in Hereford. The grant funding will be utilised to masterplan the area including the detailed flood alleviation design required to enable these key city centre sites to come forward for development
Decision Maker: Cabinet member economy and growth
Decision published: 23/09/2024
Effective from: 28/09/2024
a) The Service Director for Economy and Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy and Growth, to be given delegated authority to spend up to £800,000 of the Brownfield Land Release Fund Grant to procure and award a contract to complete the masterplanning and detailed design stage of the proposed Merton Meadow development up to the end of RIBA stage 4 including seeking planning approval for the works.
Wards affected: Widemarsh;
Lead officer: Roger Allonby, Stephen Holland
20/09/2024 - Supporting our Care Leavers
To provide an overview of the services
Herefordshire Council and its partners provide for its looked after
children who are leaving care.
Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 03/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Danial Webb
Notice of decision: 20/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/09/2024 - Building Strong Connected Communities, Talk Community Strategy, 2024 - 2027
To provide scrutiny committee with the
opportunity to comment on Building Strong Connected Communities,
Talk Community Strategy, 2024 - 2027.
Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 03/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Lesli Good
Notice of decision: 20/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/09/2024 - Building Strong Connected Communities, Talk Community Strategy, 2024 - 2027
To enable scrutiny members to comment on
Building Strong Connected Communities, Talk Community Strategy,
2024 - 2027.
Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 03/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Lesli Good
Notice of decision: 20/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/09/2024 - 2025/26 Capital Investment in Existing Highway Infrastructure
To authorise the spend/investment in the
public realm
assets and infrastructure in 2025/26 following
resolution at the Council meeting 10 February 2023, to
approve the proposed Capital Programme for 2023/24
through to 2026/27.
Decision Maker: Cabinet member roads and regulatory services
Decision due date: 31/10/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Ed Bradford
Notice of decision: 20/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open