29/11/2024 - Public Realm Services Annual Plan 2025 - 2026
To confirm the Annual Plan 2025/26 for the
Public Realm Services contract with Balfour Beatty Living Places
Decision Maker: Cabinet member roads and regulatory services
Decision due date: 24/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Dave Martin
Notice of decision: 29/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
22/11/2024 - Non-Statutory Registration Fees and Charges 2025-2027 ref: 10429 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Director of Governance and Legal Services
Decision published: 29/11/2024
Effective from: 22/11/2024
To increase non-statutory Registration
Services with effect from 1 January 2025 covering the period to end
of 2027, with charges to be reviewed annually.
Lead officer: Philippa Wride
27/11/2024 - Recommissioning of Stop Smoking Services ref: 10378 Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
This report is to set out the recommendations for recommissioning the Pharmacotherapy function of the Herefordshire Stop Smoking Service. Stop smoking services are public health services for early identification, treatment, and interventions to prevent the onset of avoidable disease and development of long-term conditions. These diseases and other long-term conditions would otherwise take up a high level of health and social care resources. These are services mandated by Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, to be funded from the ring-fenced public health grant, for which responsibility transferred from the NHS to local authorities in 2013. The existing contract is due to expire in March 2025. The recommendations made take account of the evidence base, lessons learnt following review of current services, and available resources to ensure cost effective delivery to achieve good health outcomes
Decision Maker: Cabinet member adults, health and wellbeing
Decision published: 29/11/2024
Effective from: 06/12/2024
(a) procure a targeted number of pharmacies across Herefordshire to provide stop smoking behavioural support to complement the county wide pharmacotherapy and community stop smoking service offer effective from 1 April 2025 up until 31 March 2029, This will not exceed expected cost of £15,000 per year;
(b) stop smoking pharmacotherapy is re-procured as the Multi Provider Multi Lot Framework and is effective from 1 April 2025 up until March 2029 with a maximum contract value of £70,000 per annum; subject to receipt of the annual government Local Stop Smoking Services Grant funding .
(c) direct award is made to PharmOutcomes system to support this delivery for a period up to 31 March 2029 with a maximum contract value of £24,000 (£6,000 per annum).
(d) the Director for Community Wellbeing and the Director for Public Health, are both authorised to take all necessary operational decisions to implement the above recommendations.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Natalie Johnson-Stanley
28/11/2024 - Decision to award contract and approve the expenditure of up to £100K for Trend Building Energy Management System (BEMS) Software Upgrade Services ref: 10428 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 28/11/2024
Award a contract to SSE Energy Solutions for
Trend BEMS Software Upgrade Services at Herefordshire Council
assets, following a successful tender on the Council’s
procurement portal.
Approve the expenditure of up to £100,000.00 for the works,
which includes a contingency and costs for internal and external
professional fees.
Responsibility for monitoring the programme to be carried out by
the Capital Project Manager within the spend budget.
Lead officer: Bijoy Ali
28/11/2024 - The New Public Realm Services ref: 10390 Recommendations Approved
This report seeks approval of the council’s Public Realm Services model and to delegate authority for the procurement and associated requirements relating to IT, fleet, depots and demobilisation of the current contract.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 05/12/2024
a) Cabinet adopt the Public Realm Services model set out in Appendix 2;
b) Cabinet delegates authority to the Corporate Director Economy and Environment to;
i. undertake the procurement of the Public Realm Services model set out in
Appendix 2 within the allocated budget;
ii. agree and award of all necessary leases to enable the provision of the Public Realm Services in consultation with property services;
iii. procure and purchase or lease the fleet of vehicles to enable the provision of the Public Realm Services with the Director of Finance;
iv. agree and implement the demobilisation of the current Public Realm Contract;
v. make all operational decision to implement the above recommendations.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Alex Deans
28/11/2024 - Q2 Performance Report 2024/25 ref: 10389 Recommendations Approved
To review performance for Quarter 2 (Q2) 2024/25 and to report the performance position across all Directorates for this period.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 05/12/2024
That Cabinet:
a) review performance for Q2 2024/25
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Jessica Karia
28/11/2024 - Q2 2024/25 Budget Report ref: 10388 Recommendations Approved
To report the forecast position for 2024/25 at Quarter 2 (September 2024), including explanation and analysis of the drivers for the material budget variances, and to outline current and planned recovery activity to reduce the forecast overspend. To provide assurance that progress has been made towards delivery of the agreed revenue budget and service delivery targets, and that the reasons for major variances are understood and are being addressed to the cabinet’s satisfaction.
The forecast 2024/25 outturn shows a net overspend of £10.2 million at Quarter 2, before management action estimated at £8.2 million to reduce the forecast overspend to £2.0 million
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 05/12/2024
That: Cabinet
a) Reviews the financial forecast for 2024/25, as set out in the appendices A-D, and identifies any additional actions to be considered to reduce forecast cost pressures;
b) Notes the progress in delivery of savings targets for 2024/25; and
c) Approves the transfer of Earmarked Reserve balances to establish a Contingency Reserve to manage the risk of unforeseen demand and cost pressures.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
21/11/2024 - To grant Landlord’s consent to sub-lease of part of Castle Green Centre to Hereford Youth Canoe Centre ref: 10427 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Senior Estate Manager
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 21/11/2024
To grant Landlord’s consent to sub-lease
of part of Castle Green Centre to Hereford Youth Canoe
Lead officer: Rachel Fletcher
07/11/2024 - To make provisional Tree Preservation Order 694 St Nicholas Church Hereford ref: 10426 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 07/11/2024
To serve a provisional TPO
Lead officer: Ruth Jackson
20/11/2024 - Short-term License to Occupy in respect of Unit 17, 7 Gomond Street, Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford. ref: 10425 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 20/11/2024
To grant a new short term License to Occupy
for Unit 17, 7 Gomond Street, Maylord Orchards Centre,
Lead officer: Rachel Fletcher
07/11/2024 - To confirm Tree Preservation Order 693 100 Bearcroft Weobley ref: 10424 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 07/11/2024
To confirm a TPO
Lead officer: Ruth Jackson
03/10/2024 - To confirm Tree Preservation Order 692 83 Broomy Hill ref: 10423 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 03/10/2024
To confirm a TPO
Lead officer: Ruth Jackson
28/10/2024 - To confirm Tree Preservation Order 687 New Street Ledbury ref: 10422 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 28/10/2024
To Confirm a provisional TPO
Lead officer: Ruth Jackson
28/11/2024 - Addition of Capital Budget to deliver IT Capital Programme ref: 10387 Recommend Forward to Council
For Cabinet to recommend to Council to approve an amendment to the capital programme to utilise underspends to fund two new projects, at a total of £368,000 for delivery of IT projects within this financial year.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 28/11/2024
Effective from: 28/11/2024
That: the following be recommended to Council
a) To approve the addition of £368,000 in this year’s capital programme, to deliver Wide Area Network (WAN) replacement project and Telephony Contact Centre project, funded from underspends in the capital programme.
That: Cabinet
b) Delegates to the Director of Strategy and Transformation the spend, subject to Council approval, up to £368,000 to deliver the projects as part of the IT Capital Programme.
Lead officer: Amy Swift
22/11/2023 - Decision to not reduce existing 40mph Speed Limit to 30mph on A4103 and A4110, Huntington, Herefordshire, at the Three Elms Development. ref: 10421 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 22/11/2023
Following a site audit and assessment, a TRO
is not considered an appropriate course of action and it is felt
that the current speed limit is appropriate for the section of road
under investigation.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
22/11/2023 - Decision to implement additional waiting restrictions at Ledbury Road & Three Crosses Road, Ross-On-Wye ref: 10420 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 22/11/2023
Considering no objections have been raised
during the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
Stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order be implemented under
Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Part I and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road
Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as proposed in the Notice of Proposal,
the effect of which will be to introduce additional No Waiting at
Any Time (Double Yellow Line) restrictions on Ledbury Road &
Three Crosses Road, Ross-on-Wye
Lead officer: Callum Bush
22/11/2023 - Decision to not introduce waiting restrictions at Eardisley Village, Herefordshire. ref: 10419 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 22/11/2023
Following a site audit, assessment and
informal residents & businesses consultation, a TRO is not
considered an appropriate course of action and it is felt that the
current waiting restriction arrangements are appropriate for the
section of road under investigation
Lead officer: Callum Bush
27/11/2024 - Grant acceptance and purchase of accommodation to address gaps in homelessness pathway provision ref: 10418 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 27/11/2024
a) The Cabinet accepts the Department for
Levelling Up, Housing and Communities capital grant of
£910,000 for the purpose of purchasing a minimum of ten
properties and a revenue grant of £478,615 for dedicated
support workers and associated services;
b) Authority for acquisition of the properties and all associated
operational decisions including authority to award contracts for
improvement works and the negotiation of the lease to a housing
provider be delegated to the Corporate Director Community
Lead officer: Chloe Barnes
22/11/2023 - Decision to not reduce the existing 30mph Speed Limit to 20mph at Cleeve Orchard, Hereford. ref: 10417 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 22/11/2023
Following a site audit and assessment, a TRO
is not considered an appropriate course of action and it is felt
that the current speed limit is appropriate for the section of road
under investigation.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
01/12/2023 - Decision to introduce a reduction of the existing 40mph speed limit to a 30mph speed limit on the c1095 and introduce a 30mph speed limit at Danny Lee Walk, Hereford, Herefordshire. ref: 10416 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 01/12/2023
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Section 84 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of
which will be to reduce the existing 40mph speed limit to a 30mph
speed limit on the C1095 and introduce a 30mph speed limit at Danny
Lee Walk, Hereford.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
11/12/2023 - Decision to implement a 40mph speed limit on the A449 and an extension of the 30mph speed limit on the C1289 at Much Marcle, Herefordshire. ref: 10415 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 11/12/2023
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Section 84 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of
which will be to implement a 40mph speed limit on the A449 and an
extension of the 30mph speed limit on the C1289 at Much
Lead officer: Callum Bush
29/01/2024 - Decision to introduce Moving Traffic Restrictions to Prohibit Motor Vehicles at Frog Lane, Bromyard. ref: 10414 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 29/01/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Sections 1, 2 and 4 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the of the Road
Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Traffic Management Act 2004,
the effect of which will be to implement a prohibition of motor
vehicles restriction on Frog Lane, Bromyard, Herefordshire.
The section of road on which this prohibition is proposed is
outlined in the schedule below:
U65408 – From its junction with Broad Street (B4203) for a
distance of 16m in a southerly direction.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
02/02/2024 - Decision to introduce 50MPH speed limit on the A44 at Drum Crossroads, Herefordshire. ref: 10413 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 02/02/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Section 84 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation
Act 1984 and the Traffic Management Act 2004 the effect of which
will be to implement an extension to the existing 50mph speed limit
to cover the A44 at Drum Crossroads.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
02/02/2024 - Decision to introduce additional parking & waiting restrictions along various streets at Leominster, Herefordshire. ref: 10412 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 02/02/2024
Consideration has been given to the receipt of
five objections arising from the formal Notice of Proposal for the
above titled order. Notwithstanding the receipt of these
objections, for the reasons as set out below, it is recommended
that a new Traffic Regulation Order be implemented as proposed in
the Notice of Proposal, the effect of which will be to introduce
additional Waiting and Resident Permit Holder restrictions on
various roads, Leominster.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
02/02/2024 - Decision to introduce 40MPH speed limit on the B4352, C1191 and Woodbury Lane, Moccas, Herefordshire. ref: 10411 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 02/02/2024
Consideration has been given to the receipt of
one objection arising from the formal notice of proposal for the
above titled order. Notwithstanding the receipt of this objection,
for the reasons as set out below, it is recommended that a new
Traffic Regulation Order be implemented as proposed in the Notice
of Proposal, the effect of which will be to implement a new 40mph
speed limit on the B4352, C1191 and Woodbury Lane,
Lead officer: Callum Bush
05/02/2024 - Decision to implement a 40mph & 30mph Speed Limit Extension on B4220, Bosbury Village, Herefordshire. ref: 10410 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 05/02/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Section 84 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of
which will be to implement a 40mph speed limit and an extension of
the 30mph speed limit on the B4220 at Bosbury Village.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
16/02/2024 - Decision to not introduce a Weight Restriction along U93400 between its junctions with A49 & A4110, Wellington to Westhope, Herefordshire. ref: 10409 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 16/02/2024
Following a site audit and assessment and the
completion of vehicle classification surveys, the implementation of
a new weight restriction is not considered an appropriate course of
action. It is felt that the impact would be very limited due to the
low amount of HGVs currently using the road as a through route.
Additionally, “Unsuitable for HGVs” signage should be
installed to discourage larger vehicles from using the route unless
accessing local properties or businesses. These will have a similar
impact to a TRO without incurring the same financial
Lead officer: Callum Bush
16/02/2024 - Decision to implement additional waiting restrictions at Mortimer and Perseverance Road, Hereford. ref: 10408 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 16/02/2024
Considering no objections have been raised
during the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
Stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order be implemented under
Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Part I and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road
Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as proposed in the Notice of Proposal,
the effect of which will be to introduce additional No Waiting at
Any Time (Double Yellow Line) restrictions on Mortimer Road,
Perseverance Road & the A49 Newtown Road, Hereford.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
16/02/2024 - Decision to not reduce the existing speed limit on B4362 and C1007 at Combe, Herefordshire. ref: 10407 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 16/02/2024
Following a site audit and assessment, a TO is
not considered an appropriate course of action and it is felt that
the current speed limit is appropriate for the section of road
under investigation. However, it is recommended that additional
engineering measures including road markings and signage are
enhanced, in order to provide additional traffic calming on the
section of carriageway in question.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
16/02/2024 - Decision to not introduce a No Entry Except Cycles restriction on Woodleigh Road, Ledbury ref: 10406 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 16/02/2024
The implementation of a TRO to introduce a No
Entry Except Cycles restriction on Woodleigh Road, Ledbury is not
considered an appropriate course of action following the largely
negative public response to the proposals during the public
consultation process.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
29/01/2024 - Decision to introduce 20mph across various road at Hay-on-Wye and Presteigne, Herefordshire. ref: 10405 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 29/01/2024
A new Traffic Regulation Order be implemented
as proposed in the Notice of Proposal, the effect of which will be
to introduce 20mph & 30mph speed limits on the Various Roads in
the cross-border (England/Wales) towns of Hay-on-Wye &
Presteigne, Herefordshire
Lead officer: Callum Bush
16/02/2024 - Decision to extend the existing 30mph speed limit by virtue of street lighting on New Street and extend the existing 40mph speed limit on A417 Ledbury Bypass, Ledbury. ref: 10404 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 16/02/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Section 82 & 84 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the
effect of which will be to implement an extension to the existing
30mph speed limit by virtue of street lighting (through revocation
of the existing 40mph speed limit) on New Street and an extension
to the existing 40mph speed limit on A417 Ledbury Bypass,
Lead officer: Callum Bush
24/04/2024 - Decision to introduce additional waiting restrictions at Aylesbrook, Herefordshire. ref: 10403 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 24/04/2024
It is recommended that a new Traffic
Regulation Order be implemented as proposed in the Notice of
Proposal, the effect of which will be to introduce additional No
Waiting at Any Time (Double Yellow Line) restrictions on
Aylesbrook, Hereford.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
24/04/2024 - Decision to extend the existing 40mph Speed Limit on B4214 Bromyard Road, Ledbury, Herefordshire, in the vicinity of Ledbury Viaduct. ref: 10402 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 24/04/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Section 84 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of
which will be that the existing 40mph speed limit on Bromyard Road
(B4214) will be extended from its current position to a point
approximately 414m northwest of its junction with the access to
Bromyard Road Trading Estate to include the newly constructed
roundabout. An extension of approximately 364m.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
05/07/2024 - Decision to remove the structural weight limit restrictions at Parsons Pole bridge, Brampton Bryan, Herefordshire. ref: 10401 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 05/07/2024
Considering no objections have been raised
during the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
Stages, a Traffic Regulation Order be revoked under Part IV of
Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as proposed in
the Notice of Proposal, the effect of which will be to remove the
existing structural weight restrictions on the C1001 at Parsons
Pole Bridge, Brampton Bryan. Additionally, “Unsuitable for
HGVs” signage should be installed to discourage larger
vehicles from using the route unless accessing local properties or
Lead officer: Callum Bush
05/07/2024 - Decision to reduce the existing 50mph speed limit to a 40mph speed limit on the A438 at Letton, Herefordshire ref: 10400 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 05/07/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Order (TO) be introduced under Section 84 of
the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of which will be to
reduce the existing 50mph speed limit to a 40mph speed limit on
various roads in Letton.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
11/07/2024 - Decision to introduce parking restrictions, inclusive of Resident Permit Parking across various road, Ledbury. ref: 10399 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 11/07/2024
Consideration has been given to the receipt of
six objections arising from the formal Notice of Proposal for the
above titled order. Notwithstanding the receipt of these
objections, for the reasons as set out below, it is recommended
that a new Traffic Regulation Order be implemented as proposed in
the Notice of Proposal, with the exception of Queens Court where a
modified proposal be implemented. The effect of the Order will be
to introduce additional Waiting, Permit Parking & Disabled
Badge Holder Restrictions on Various Roads in the town of
Lead officer: Callum Bush
05/07/2024 - Decision to introduce a 30mph speed limit at Munderfield Village, Herefordshire. ref: 10398 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 05/07/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Order (TO) be introduced under Section 84 of
the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of which will be to
reduce the existing 40mph speed limit to a 30mph speed limit along
a section of the B4214 & Stoke Lane (C1132) at Munderfield
Lead officer: Callum Bush
23/08/2024 - Decision to implement additional waiting restrictions at Grammar School Close, Ross-On-Wye. ref: 10397 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Part I and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road
Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to
introduce waiting restrictions on Grammar School Close,
Lead officer: Callum Bush
23/08/2024 - Decision to implement additional waiting restrictions at Grandstand Road, Sidney Box Drive and Atlay Street, Hereford ref: 10396 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Part I and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road
Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to
introduce waiting restrictions on Grandstand Road, Sidney Box Drive
and Atlay Street, Hereford.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
11/09/2024 - Decision to proceed with an extension to the existing 30mph speed limit on A40 Ross East (Hildersley) ref: 10395 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
Traffic Regulation Order be implemented under
Sections 84 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic
Regulation Act 1984 as proposed in the Notice of Proposal, the
effect of which will be to extend the existing 30mph speed limit on
A40 at Hildersley by 310m in a south-easterly direction.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
16/10/2024 - Decision to implement 30mph Speed Limit extension to the existing speed limit on the C1125 at Sutton St Nicholas, Herefordshire ref: 10394 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 16/10/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Order (TO) be introduced under Section 84 and
Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and
the Traffic Management Act 2004 the effect of which will be to
implement a southerly extension to the existing 30mph speed limit
on the C1125 at Sutton St Nicholas.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
02/02/2024 - Decision to introduce a 30mph speed limit extension at Sutton St Nicholas, Herefordshire. ref: 10393 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director – Environment , Highways, & Waste
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 02/02/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Section 84 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation
Act 1984 and the Traffic Management Act 2004 the effect of which
will be to implement an extension to the existing 30mph speed limit
on the C1125 & Ridgeway Road (C1126), Sutton St
Lead officer: Callum Bush
22/10/2024 - Decision to implement additional waiting and stopping restrictions at Goodrich School, Kerne Bridge & Symonds Yat East, Ross-on-Wye. ref: 10392 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 22/10/2024
Considering no objections have been made as
part of the Formal (Statutory) Consultation and Notice of Proposal
stages, a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) be introduced under
Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Part I and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road
Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to
introduce additional waiting and stopping restrictions at Goodrich
School, Kerne Bridge and Symonds Yat East.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
31/10/2024 - Traffic Regulation Order Scheme to introduce No Waiting at Any Time (Double Yellow Line) restrictions on various roads in the Eign Hill Ward, Hereford, Herefordshire ref: 10391 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Economy and Enviroment
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 31/10/2024
Consideration has been given to the receipt of
seven objections arising from the formal Notice of Proposal for the
above titled order. Notwithstanding the receipt of these
objections, for the reasons as set out below, it is recommended
that a new Traffic Regulation Order be implemented under Sections
1, 2 and 3 of Part I and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic
Regulation Act 1984, as proposed in the Notice of Proposal. The
effect of the Order will be to introduce additional No Waiting at
Any Time (Double Yellow Line) restrictions on Various Roads in the
Eign Hill Ward, Hereford.
Lead officer: Callum Bush
21/11/2024 - 2025/26 Draft Capital Investment Budget and Capital Strategy Update
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
Notice of decision: 21/11/2024
21/11/2024 - 2025/26 Draft Capital Investment Budget and Capital Strategy Update
To recommend to Council for approval the revised capital investment budget and capital strategy for 2025/26 onwards.
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 07/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
Notice of decision: 21/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
21/11/2024 - 2025/26 Draft Budget- Revenue
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/01/2025
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
Notice of decision: 21/11/2024
21/11/2024 - 2025/26 Draft Budget - Revenue
To approve the 2025/26 draft budget for consultation. This report provides an estimated funding position, based on information known to date, and sets out the key pressures and the budget proposals for each Directorate.
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 07/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
Notice of decision: 21/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
16/09/2024 - Workplace Cardio Vascular Disease Health Checks Pilot ref: 10386 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Director of public health
Decision published: 21/11/2024
Effective from: 16/09/2024
To accept national grant funding to pilot Work
Place Cardio Vascular
Disease Health Checks (£200,000); adding to existing s75
with Herefordshire and Worcestershire ICB to enhance NHS
Checks and Talk Wellbeing services.
To delegate all operational decisions to the Corporate Director
Community and Wellbeing and Director of Public Health
Lead officer: Luke Bennett
21/11/2024 - Annual review of Earmarked Reserves – 2024/25
To note and review the earmarked reserves held
by the council.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 19/12/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
Notice of decision: 21/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
21/11/2024 - Health Inequalities Strategy Update
This report updates the Health and Well-being
Board on the progress made towards reducing health inequalities in
Herefordshire using the CORE20+5 model.
Decision Maker: Health and Wellbeing Board
Decision due date: 09/12/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Harpal Aujla
Notice of decision: 21/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
21/11/2024 - Award of Funding from the Household Support Fund to third party organisations ref: 10385 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 21/11/2024
Effective from: 21/11/2024
Herefordshire Council has received an
allocation of £1,329,601.78 from the Department for Work and
Pensions (DWP) under the Household Support Fund. In line with DWP
guidance most of the funding has been earmarked to support families
with children and pensioner households who would otherwise struggle
with energy, food and energy bills as well as other essential
costs. The decision to support third party organisations will
enable those organisations to support other Herefordshire
households who are struggling to meet essential household
The funding to third party organisations is an important component
of the support that is provided to low-income households. Providing
funding to third party organisations will mean that those
organisations can provide residents who are struggling with the
increase in the cost of living.
Having regard for the time available to deliver the scheme,
Herefordshire Council identified existing trusted partners which
had already been recipients of government grants to support low
income households during the Covid 19 pandemic. The partners have
also been identified based on the need to support all the eligible
spend categories specified by the DWP guidance and to provide
support to vulnerable households, across Herefordshire whatever
their household composition.
The amount of funding requested is to support residents until 31
March 2025.
Name of third-party organisation: Age UK Hereford and
Type of Support provided: Home energy checks / energy advice
Amount of Household Support Grant: £51,000.00
Name of third-party organisation: Bromyard Foodbank and Money
Advice Centre
Type of Support provided: Emergency food provision
Amount of Household Support Grant: £41,000.00
Name of third-party organisation: Ethos
Type of Support provided: Emergency food provision, household items
to reduce energy consumption, budget advice and cooking courses.
Emergency household payments
Amount of Household Support Grant: £66,000.00
Name of third-party organisation: Hereford Foodbank
Type of Support provided: Emergency food provision; support for
cooking equipment
Amount of Household Support Grant: £71,980.00
Name of third-party organisation: Herefordshire Community
Type of Support provided: Support for energy; support for other
essentials linked to energy and water
Amount of Household Support Grant: £115,000.00
Name of third-party organisation: Ledbury Foodbank
Type of Support provided: Support for food; support for other
Amount of Household Support Grant: £56,000.00
Name of third-party organisation: Leominster Foodbank (including
the Money Advice Centre)
Type of Support provided: Support for food
Amount of Household Support Grant: £20,000.00
Name of third-party organisation: Putson Baptist Church
Type of Support provided: Support for food; support for energy;
support for other essentials
Amount of Household Support Grant: £79,650.00
Name of third-party organisation: Severn Wye Energy Agency
Type of Support provided: Support for energy; support for other
essentials linked to energy and water
Amount of Household Support Grant: £22,000.00
Name of third-party organisation: YES Energy Solutions
Type of Support provided: Support for energy; support for other
essentials linked to energy and water
Amount of Household Support Grant: £54,0000.00
Total: £576,630.00
By utilising the funding from government, this will have a positive
impact on low-income households by minimising the debt burden on
those that struggle to pay essential bills.
Lead officer: Laura Matthews
21/11/2024 - Award of Funding from the Household Support Fund to the Local Welfare Provision Service to run an open application process for emergency support. ref: 10384 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 21/11/2024
Effective from: 21/11/2024
Herefordshire Council has received an
allocation of £1,329,601.78 from the Department for Work and
Pensions (DWP) under the Household Support Fund.
Part of the funding criteria states that an open application
process must be available for all residents within the county to
apply. The expectation is that it should be used to support
households in the most need; particularly those who may not be
eligible for other support the government has made available but
who are nevertheless struggling due to the increased cost of
The council already operates an application scheme for people
requiring support in an emergency through its Local Welfare
Provision (LWP) service. Utilising this funding enables the LWP
service and eligibility criteria for emergency support to be
enhanced, by providing additional staff resources to assess and
administer applications and distribute the voucher payments.
The attached policy provides the local eligibility framework for
emergency support to meet crucial needs of a person or household
experiencing financial hardship resulting in them struggling to
feed themselves or their family, heat their home, or pay for other
essential living costs.
Lead officer: Laura Matthews
21/11/2024 - Decision to support families with children entitled to free school meals by providing a food vouchers during the Christmas holiday period, February Half-Term and Easter Holiday period. ref: 10383 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 21/11/2024
Effective from: 21/11/2024
The free school meal system is an important
component of the support that is provided to low-income families.
Providing vouchers in the school holidays for children entitled to
free school meals is an extension to this support and will benefit
around 4,600 children. Through this proposal, primary and secondary
aged school pupils who are eligible for benefits related free
school meals will receive a food voucher of £15 per week
during the holiday period up until the end of the Easter Holiday
Herefordshire Council has received an allocation of
£1,329,601.78 from the Department of Works and Pensions under
the Household Support Fund. The expectation is that the funding
should be used primarily to support households in the most need,
particularly those including children and pensioners who would
otherwise struggle with energy, food and water bills as well as
other essential costs.
By utilising the funding from government, this will have a positive
impact on low-income families and child poverty by minimising the
debt burden on those that struggle to pay essential bills.
Lead officer: Laura Matthews
21/11/2024 - Decision to provide up to £15k of the Household Support Fund to deliver support for families with children 0 to 5yrs old. ref: 10382 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 21/11/2024
Effective from: 21/11/2024
Herefordshire Council has received an
allocation of £1,329,601.78 from the Department for Work and
Pensions (DWP) under the Household Support Fund. In line with DWP
guidance most of the funding should be earmarked to support
families with children and pensioner households who would otherwise
struggle with energy, food and energy bills as well as other
essential costs. The decision to support families with children
between the ages of 0 to 5yrs old would meet the recommended
guidance. Families will be identified via referrals through
Children’s Centre, Health Visitors, Midwives and Nurseries/
Early Years settings. This is to ensure that the most in need are
best placed to be in receipt of the funding. The support provided
would be a one of payment of £100.00 that could potentially
benefit up to 150 households.
Lead officer: Laura Matthews
21/11/2024 - Decision to support families with children, in need of emergency food and household essentials identified through partnership working with schools. ref: 10381 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Officer Decisions - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 21/11/2024
Effective from: 21/11/2024
The number of ‘children in
poverty’ is on the increase across the whole of the UK
(according to Child Poverty Action Group). Many families in
Herefordshire who are on low incomes are struggling to afford food,
energy and other essential household items. This includes those
working households, who are above the free school meal income
threshold as well as those on low incomes just above the means
tested threshold for benefits. Low-income households spend a larger
proportion than average on energy and food so will be more affected
by price increases.
Providing food vouchers for households of children and young
people, at the discretion of the schools, can support households to
prevent escalation of problems. These include families with
children of all ages, large families and single parent
The approach has been tested with several schools and community
representatives and has had a positive response. The proposal has
been developed with the Strategic Finance Manager for Schools to
develop procedures and guidance on how the scheme will work. The
scheme was reviewed in October 2023 and appropriate adjustments
made as required.
Through this proposal, primary and secondary aged school pupils who
are in households that are in the most need of support to help with
significantly rising living costs will receive a food voucher that
can be redeemed at supermarkets. It is anticipated that this is a
one-off payment but that by exception some households may need
further support, and this will be capped at a maximum of two
vouchers to end in March 2025. Families will be identified by
schools which are well placed to identify struggling
36 Eligible schools have been determined using data based on the
number of pupils that attend the school on FSM, this shows as an
indicator of deprivation. All eligible schools have at least over
15% of children on FSM's and have participated in the vouchers
scheme previously.
Herefordshire Council has received an allocation of
£1,329,601.78 from the Department of Works and Pensions under
the next phase of the Household Support Fund which will run from 1
October 2024 to 31 March 2025. The expectation is that the funding
should be used primarily to support households in the most need.
This scheme will form part of wider offer that is being developed
as part of the allocation of the Household Support Fund.
By utilising the funding from government, this will have a positive
impact on low-income families and child poverty by minimising the
debt burden on those that struggle to pay essential bills.
In February 2023, there were 10,370 households in Herefordshire
claiming Universal Credit, the highest level seen since January
2020. Of these households just over a half (5,330) had at least one
Consumer prices, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI)
have risen exponentially over the past three years. The Bank of
England has also maintained high interest rates since the end of
the pandemic, placing pressure on families.
These increases have resulted in more households struggling with
the financial strain, including those not previously eligible or
support through existing government schemes.
Lead officer: Laura Matthews
09/07/2024 - To approve the expenditure of up to £184,110.06 for the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Improvements and Adaptations works at Sutton Primary Academy School. ref: 10380 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director - Education, Skills and Learning
Decision published: 21/11/2024
Effective from: 09/07/2024
Award a contract to S. C. Joseph Ltd for the
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Improvements and Adaptations at
Sutton Primary Academy School, Hereford. Following a successful
tender on the Council’s procurement portal.
Approve the expenditure of up to £160,095.71 for the SEN
Improvements and Adaptations works, which includes a 10%
contingency of up to £16,009.57
Approve the expenditure of up to £8,004.78 for professional
fees (5%).
Responsibility for monitoring the programme to be carried out by
Capital Senior Project Manager within the spend budget.
Lead officer: Annie Ahearne
24/07/2024 - To approve the expenditure of up to £171,297.52 for the adaptation and Improvements works at Lord Scudamore Academy, Hereford School. ref: 10379 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director - Education, Skills and Learning
Decision published: 21/11/2024
Effective from: 24/07/2024
Award a contract to Midlands Building and
Maintenance Ltd for the adaptation and improvement works at Lord
Scudamore Academy School, Hereford. Following a successful tender
on the Council’s procurement portal.
Approve the expenditure of up to £155,725.02 for SEN
Improvements including the provision of a Hygiene Room and a Physio
Room, and minor internal remodelling to the cleaners store works,
which includes a contingency of up to 10% of the contract value
Approve the expenditure of up to 5% of the contract value
£7,786.25 for professional fees.
Responsibility for monitoring the programme to be carried out by
Capital Senior Project Manager within the spend budget.
Lead officer: Annie Ahearne
20/11/2024 - High Needs Budget 2025/26
To approve the Dedicated Schools Grant
high needs budget for 2024/25 as recommended
by Schools Forum.
Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and young people
Decision due date: 28/03/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Clare Bellis-powley
Notice of decision: 20/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
19/11/2024 - Supported housing for working age adults with additional needs
This report and its appendices provide
information to support the Health, Care, and Wellbeing Scrutiny
Committee’s scrutiny of the council’s services to meet
the housing needs of working age adults with additional
Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 25/11/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Danial Webb
Notice of decision: 19/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
15/11/2024 - Community Spaces Capital Grant Scheme ref: 10365 Recommendations Approved
Following the approval of the outline business case for the community spaces capital grant scheme this is to approve the approach and drawdown of the £2million allocated within the capital budget. The aims of the grant scheme are to:
- transform and improve existing/unused buildings for community benefit
- create improved spaces for communities to connect and for events and activities to be delivered
- increase opportunities for people to access integrated services in their community
- target areas of health inequalities and deprivation
Decision Maker: Cabinet member adults, health and wellbeing
Decision published: 19/11/2024
Effective from: 22/11/2024
a) The £2M of funding for the community spaces capital grant scheme is approved to progress the programme of work to deliver enhanced community hubs and assets across the county.
b) Authority is delegated to the Corporate Director Community Wellbeing to draw down the funding and to take all operational and budgetary decisions to implement the recommended option.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Emily Lowe
18/11/2024 - Work programme 2024/5 - Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
To consider the work programme for
Herefordshire Council’s Children and Young People Scrutiny
Committee for the municipal year 2024/25.
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 26/11/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Simon Cann
Notice of decision: 18/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/11/2024 - Including Children’s Voices in Council Policy
For the Children and Young People Scrutiny
Committee to consider this report, which provides an overview on
how the council includes children’s voices when developing
and making council policy and practice.
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 26/11/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Simon Cann
Notice of decision: 18/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/11/2024 - West Mercia Police ‘Right Care, Right Person’ policy
This report and its appendices provide
information to support the Health, Care, and Wellbeing Scrutiny
Committee’s scrutiny of the West Mercia Police ‘Right
Care, Right Person’ policy.
Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 25/11/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Danial Webb
Notice of decision: 18/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
18/11/2024 - Supported housing for working age adults with additional needs
This report and its appendices provide
information to support the Health, Care, and Wellbeing Scrutiny
Committee’s scrutiny of the council’s services to meet
the housing needs of working age adults with additional
Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 25/11/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Danial Webb
Notice of decision: 18/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
15/11/2024 - Drainage Town and Parish Grant Funding ref: 10377 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Decision published: 18/11/2024
Effective from: 15/11/2024
To vary the Parish Lengthsman contract with 67
Town and Parish Councils, to deliver £288,794.00 of
improvement works on the Public Rights of Way network, as set out
in this report.
Lead officer: Ed Bradford
30/09/2024 - Award the Traffic Regulation Order Consultant Contract ref: 10376 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Decision published: 18/11/2024
Effective from: 30/09/2024
Award the contract to ADL Traffic &
Highways Ltd for the provision of the Traffic Regulation Order
Consultancy Contract for a period of 2 years with the potential for
a 12 month extension for the value of £400,000.00.
Lead officer: Bijoy Ali
08/11/2024 - Schools Budget 2025/26
To approve school forum’s recommended
proposals for school budgets, central school
services and
early years within the Dedicated Schools Grant
(DSG) for
Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and young people
Decision due date: 14/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Clare Bellis-powley
Notice of decision: 08/11/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
06/11/2024 - Warm Homes: Local Grant
We are seeking approval to apply for and spend
funding under the new Warm Homes: Local Grant funding
Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment
Decision due date: 12/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Bernadette Muldowney
Notice of decision: 06/11/2024
Reason for urgency:
Anticipated restriction: Open
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
25/10/2024 - Ofsted Monitoring Visit Feedback
To share the feedback letter from Ofsted
following their fifth Monitoring Visit conducted 8th to 23rd
October, with site days 22nd/23rd October 2024
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 19/12/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Maxine David, Tina Russell
Notice of decision: 25/10/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
20/09/2024 - 2025/26 Capital Investment in Existing Highway Infrastructure
To authorise the spend/investment in the
public realm
assets and infrastructure in 2025/26 following
resolution at the Council meeting 10 February 2023, to
approve the proposed Capital Programme for 2023/24
through to 2026/27.
Decision Maker: Cabinet member roads and regulatory services
Decision due date: 16/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Ed Bradford
Notice of decision: 20/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
05/07/2024 - Student Accommodation Update and Recommendations (amendment to non key due to there being no further financial implications that exceed £500k)
To update Cabinet Member on the progress and
budget for the project
Decision Maker: Cabinet member community services and assets
Decision due date: 31/01/2025
Wards affected: College; Widemarsh;
Lead officer: Joni Hughes, Susan White
Notice of decision: 05/07/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
16/10/2023 - Corporate Parenting Strategy
To approve the corporate parenting
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 19/12/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Caroline Marshall, Julie Mepham
Notice of decision: 16/10/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
03/08/2023 - Herefordshire and Worcestershire Group Training Association Ltd (HWGTA) Investment Partnership Model
To develop a business case outlining options
for a preferred investment model and;
to approve the preferred investment model option for the HWGTA Ltd
and Herefordshire Council partnership to enable the development of
a vocational centre of excellence on Skylon Park.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 23/01/2025
Wards affected: Dinedor Hill;
Lead officer: Joni Hughes, Gabriela Singh
Notice of decision: 03/08/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
08/06/2023 - New care facility
To consider and agree the business case to
invest in and develop the council’s own care facility in
Herefordshire to meet future demand
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 24/04/2025
Lead officer: Hilary Hall, Hayley Doyle
Notice of decision: 08/06/2023