
Forthcoming decisions

06/02/2025 - Property Services Estate Capital Building Improvement Programme 2025/28

To agree the proposed programme of works as set out in appendices incorporating a series of planned project works to enable Council to deliver on its obligations to
maintain buildings fit for purpose.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member community services and assets

Decision due date: 19/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michael Griffin, Anthony Oliver

Notice of decision: 06/02/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

04/02/2025 - Executive Response to recommendations made by Environment and Scrutiny Committee for recommendations regarding Tree and Hedgerow Management

Executive Response to recommendations made by Environment and Scrutiny Committee for recommendations regarding Tree and Hedgerow Management

Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment

Decision due date: 31/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Elizabeth Duberley

Notice of decision: 04/02/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

31/01/2025 - Education Strategy

To endorse the Education Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 27/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Liz Farr

Notice of decision: 31/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

31/01/2025 - Wye Valley National Landscapes - acceptance of grant funding

This report seeks approval to accept a number of confirmed and indicative funding awards, allocations and bids from National Grid, DEFRA, Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales for the future management and duties of the Wye Valley National Landscape, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). This report also seeks approval to delegate the review of the AONB Management Plan and the renewal of a Memorandum of Understanding between the 4 constituent local authorities, on account of the complex nature of the cross-border designation.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment

Decision due date: 07/03/2025

Wards affected: Backbury; Birch; Dinedor Hill; Kerne Bridge; Llangarron; Old Gore; Ross East; Ross North; Ross West;

Lead officer: Ben Boswell

Notice of decision: 31/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

31/01/2025 - Herefordshire's co-ordinated school admissions arrangements 2026/2027

To approve Herefordshire Council’s proposed admissions arrangements for the academic year 2026/2027
The proposed arrangements comply with the current School Admissions Code which came into force on 1 September 2021. The recommendation applies to admission arrangements determined in 2024 for admission in school year 2026/2027 for those schools in Herefordshire for whom the council is the admissions authority.
In 2022 some minor clarification changes were made to the arrangements previously published on the council’s website to bring the admissions arrangements in line with the updated code. These updates did not require consultation as they were required by the code itself.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and young people

Decision due date: 14/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Louise Tanner

Notice of decision: 13/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

30/01/2025 - Housing Development Company

To explore the development of a council owned housing development company. There is a critical need for additional housing in the county. Following the outcome of a recent best practice study of how other Local Authorities across England have addressed this issue, the Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee have recommended that the council explore the development of a council owned housing development company, which is supported by the Cross Party Housing Working Group.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 27/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Roger Allonby

Notice of decision: 30/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

30/01/2025 - Holiday Activities & Food Programme 2025/26

To approve and spend Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) grant funding from the Department for Education.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and young people

Decision due date: 07/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Emily Lowe, Nikki Stroud

Notice of decision: 30/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

30/01/2025 - Marches Forward Partnership Proposition

To consider and approve the Marches Forward Partnership Prospectus

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 27/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Roger Allonby

Notice of decision: 30/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

30/01/2025 - Play Area Investment

The purpose of this report is to set out how the £1 million for Play Area Investment is proposed to be spent and to seek the necessary approvals to do so.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member community services and assets

Decision due date: 03/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ed Bradford

Notice of decision: 30/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

27/01/2025 - Herefordshire Flood Risk Mitigation

The purpose of this report is to set out how the £2.055 million for Herefordshire Flood Risk Mitigation is proposed to be spent and to seek the necessary approvals to do so.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member transport and infrastructure

Decision due date: 03/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ed Bradford

Notice of decision: 27/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

27/01/2025 - Road Safety Schemes

The purpose of this report is to set out how the £3.0 million for Road Safety Schemes is proposed to be spent and to seek the necessary approvals to do so.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member roads and regulatory services

Decision due date: 03/03/2025

Wards affected: Bromyard Bringsty; Wormside;

Lead officer: Ed Bradford

Notice of decision: 27/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

27/01/2025 - Highways Infrastructure Investment - Additional Funding

The purpose of this report is to set out how the £5.0 million additional Highways Infrastructure Investment is proposed to be spent and to seek the necessary approvals to do so.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member roads and regulatory services

Decision due date: 03/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ed Bradford

Notice of decision: 27/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

27/01/2025 - Resurfacing Herefordshire Highways - Additional Funding

The purpose of this report is to set out how the £5.0 million additional investment in Resurfacing Herefordshire Highways is proposed to be spent and to seek the necessary approvals to do so.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member roads and regulatory services

Decision due date: 03/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ed Bradford

Notice of decision: 27/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/01/2025 - Shire Hall Phase 2 Refurbishment Work

Approval to spend allocated capital budget to deliver phase 2 of the planned Shire Hall refurbishment

Decision Maker: Cabinet member community services and assets

Decision due date: 19/03/2025

Wards affected: Central;

Lead officer: Johnathan Pritchard

Notice of decision: 21/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/01/2025 - Q3 2024/25 Budget Report

To report the forecast position for 2024/25 at Quarter 3 (December 2024).

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 27/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Rachael Sanders

Notice of decision: 21/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/01/2025 - Update to Risk Management Arrangements

To provide an update on the council’s approach to risk management arrangements.

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 28/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Rachael Sanders

Notice of decision: 21/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

20/01/2025 - Annual Governance Statement Progress Update

To provide an update on progress in respect of actions identified to deliver continuous improvement in governance arrangements.

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 28/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Rachael Sanders

Notice of decision: 20/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

17/01/2025 - Dental services in Herefordshire

To provide information to the Health, Care and Wellbeing Committee in order to support their work to:

- identify the responsibilities of the local authority in respect of oral health, and the responsibilities of NHS England, in respect of dentistry.
- examine Hereford’s oral health outcomes and the work being undertaken to improve the oral health of the local population.
- investigate the pressures and challenges faced by dental care services and the work being undertaken to improve access to dental care.
- examine the local population’s views and experiences of accessing and using NHS dental services and
- identify potential recommendations to improve the oral health of Herefordshire’s population and access to dental care.

Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 27/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Danial Webb

Notice of decision: 17/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

17/01/2025 - SEND inspection update (formerly known as Education Update and Overview)

To update Cabinet on the outcome of the SEND Inspection carried out by Ofsted and CQC.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 27/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Liz Farr, Hilary Jones, Louise Tanner

Notice of decision: 17/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/01/2025 - 2025-26 budget – recommendations from Scrutiny Management Board

To notify Cabinet of the recommendations from Scrutiny Management Board’s scrutiny of:

• 2025-26 Draft Revenue Budget
• 2025-26 Proposed Savings Plans
• 2025-26 Proposed Directorate Base Budgets
• 2025-29 Medium Term Financial Strategy
• 2025-26Treasury Management Strategy
• 2025-26 Draft directorate Fees and Charge

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 23/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Danial Webb

Notice of decision: 15/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/01/2025 - Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee 21.01.25 Work Programme

To consider the work programme for Herefordshire Council’s Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee for the municipal year 2024/25.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 21/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Simon Cann

Notice of decision: 13/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/01/2025 - Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee 20.01.25 Work Programme

To consider the work programme for Herefordshire Council’s Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee for the municipal year 2024/25.

Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 20/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Simon Cann

Notice of decision: 13/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/01/2025 - Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership - Yearly Review of Effectiveness Report 2023-24

To provide the committee with the safeguarding children's partnership's annual review of effectiveness.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 21/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Danial Webb

Notice of decision: 13/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/01/2025 - Scrutiny Management Board 14.01.25 Work Programme

To consider the draft work programme for Herefordshire Council’s scrutiny committees for the municipal year 2024/25.

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Management Board

Decision due date: 14/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Simon Cann

Notice of decision: 13/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/01/2025 - Anti-Fraud, Bribery & Corruption Annual Report

This report is to provide an overview on all counter fraud activity across the Council’s services throughout the previous calendar year and represent an up-to-date account of the work undertaken, including progress and outcomes aligned with our strategy and core objectives.

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 28/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jonathan Nelson

Notice of decision: 13/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/01/2025 - Monitoring visit to Herefordshire children’s services: The protection of vulnerable children from extra-familial risk

To provide the committee with the summary findings of the recent Ofsted monitoring visit.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 21/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Danial Webb

Notice of decision: 13/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

10/01/2025 - Malvern Hills National Landscape Management Plan

To consider and adopt the new management plan for the Malvern Hills National Landscape.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment

Decision due date: 14/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: James Bisset, Ben Boswell

Notice of decision: 10/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

10/01/2025 - Care Quality Commission (CQC) Assurance visit preparation

To scrutinise preparation for an anticipated visit from the Care Quality Commission

Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 27/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Emma Evans

Notice of decision: 10/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

18/12/2024 - UKSPF Allocation 2025/2026

To accept and spend Herefordshire’s UKSPF allocation for 2025/26, totalling £2,172,966, made up of £401,198 capital and £1,771,768 revenue.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member economy and growth

Decision due date: Before 08/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Nadine Kinsey

Notice of decision: 18/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

12/12/2024 - Q3 Performance Report

To report to Cabinet the quarterly performance updates for across the council.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 27/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jessica Karia

Notice of decision: 12/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

12/12/2024 - River Restoration

To draw down funding from the Cabinet Commission for the delivery of river restoration projects.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment

Decision due date: 19/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Elizabeth Duberley

Notice of decision: 12/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

06/12/2024 - Executive response to recommendations made by the Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee regarding the Nutrient Management Board and to the Motion regarding Cabinet Commission on Phosphates

Executive response to recommendations made by the Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee regarding the Nutrient Management Board and to the Motion regarding Cabinet Commission on Phosphates

Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment

Decision due date: 24/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Elizabeth Duberley

Notice of decision: 06/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

05/12/2024 - Delivery Plan 2025-26

To approve the council’s Delivery Plan 2025-26. Cabinet is required to produce a delivery plan which sets out how the strategic priorities within the Herefordshire Council Plan will be delivered and monitored.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 27/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michelle Price, Helun Sandifort, Rosie Thomas-Easton

Notice of decision: 05/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

20/11/2024 - High Needs Budget 2025/26

To approve the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG)
high needs budget for 2024/25 as recommended
by Schools Forum.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and young people

Decision due date: 28/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Clare Bellis-powley

Notice of decision: 20/11/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

08/11/2024 - Schools Budget 2025/26

To approve school forum’s recommended budget
proposals for school budgets, central school
services and
early years within the Dedicated Schools Grant
(DSG) for

Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and young people

Decision due date: 14/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Clare Bellis-powley

Notice of decision: 08/11/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

06/11/2024 - Warm Homes: Local Grant

We are seeking approval to apply for and spend funding under the new Warm Homes: Local Grant funding scheme

Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment

Decision due date: 28/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Bernadette Muldowney

Notice of decision: 06/11/2024

Reason for urgency:

Anticipated restriction: Open

Explanation of anticipated restriction:

05/07/2024 - Student Accommodation Update and Recommendations (amendment to non key due to there being no further financial implications that exceed £500k)

To update Cabinet Member on the progress and budget for the project

Decision Maker: Cabinet member community services and assets

Decision due date: 18/02/2025

Wards affected: College; Widemarsh;

Lead officer: Joni Hughes, Susan White

Notice of decision: 05/07/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

03/08/2023 - Herefordshire and Worcestershire Group Training Association Ltd (HWGTA) Investment Partnership Model

To develop a business case outlining options for a preferred investment model and;

to approve the preferred investment model option for the HWGTA Ltd and Herefordshire Council partnership to enable the development of a vocational centre of excellence on Skylon Park.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 15/05/2025

Wards affected: Dinedor Hill;

Lead officer: Joni Hughes, Gabriela Singh

Notice of decision: 03/08/2023

Anticipated restriction: Open

08/06/2023 - New care facility

To consider and agree the business case to invest in and develop the council’s own care facility in Herefordshire to meet future demand

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 24/04/2025

Lead officer: Hilary Hall, Hayley Doyle

Notice of decision: 08/06/2023