15/01/2025 - 2025-26 budget – recommendations from Scrutiny Management Board
To notify Cabinet of the recommendations from
Scrutiny Management Board’s scrutiny of:
• 2025-26 Draft Revenue Budget
• 2025-26 Proposed Savings Plans
• 2025-26 Proposed Directorate Base Budgets
• 2025-29 Medium Term Financial Strategy
• 2025-26Treasury Management Strategy
• 2025-26 Draft directorate Fees and Charge
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 23/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Danial Webb
Notice of decision: 15/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
13/01/2025 - 2025/26 Draft Capital Investment Budget and Capital Strategy Update ref: 10474 Recommend Forward to Council
To recommend to Council for approval the revised capital investment budget and capital strategy for 2025/26 onwards.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 13/01/2025
Effective from: 13/01/2025
That: Cabinet recommends the following to Council
a) To approve the revised capital programme for 2024/25 attached at appendix C;
b) Approve the capital strategy at appendix D; and
c) Approve the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts of up to £0.6million in 2024/25 and £0.6million in 2025/26, to support transformation to generate ongoing revenue savings and reduce service delivery costs in future years
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
13/01/2025 - 2025/26 Draft Budget- Revenue ref: 10475 Recommend Forward to Council
To present the draft 2025/26 revenue budget, Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Treasury Management Strategy.
The Council has a statutory responsibility to set a Budget and Council Tax in advance of the new financial year. The 2025/26 Revenue Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2028/29 will be recommended to Council in February 2025.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 13/01/2025
Effective from: 13/01/2025
That Cabinet:
a) approves the 2025/26 draft revenue budget, which includes the key pressures for each Directorate and savings proposals, for consultation with Members, the council’s relevant scrutiny committees, business rate payers and the public; and
b) acknowledges that the funding assumed in this draft budget is an estimate of expected funding; to be confirmed following publication of the Final Local Government Finance Settlement for 2025/26
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
13/01/2025 - Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee 21.01.25 Work Programme
To consider the work programme for
Herefordshire Council’s Children and Young People Scrutiny
Committee for the municipal year 2024/25.
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 21/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Simon Cann
Notice of decision: 13/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
13/01/2025 - Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee 20.01.25 Work Programme
To consider the work programme for
Herefordshire Council’s Environment and Sustainability
Scrutiny Committee for the municipal year 2024/25.
Decision Maker: Environment and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 20/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Simon Cann
Notice of decision: 13/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
13/01/2025 - Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership - Yearly Review of Effectiveness Report 2023-24
To provide the committee with the safeguarding
children's partnership's annual review of effectiveness.
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 21/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Danial Webb
Notice of decision: 13/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
13/01/2025 - Scrutiny Management Board 14.01.25 Work Programme
To consider the draft work programme for
Herefordshire Council’s scrutiny committees for the municipal
year 2024/25.
Decision Maker: Scrutiny Management Board
Decision due date: 14/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Simon Cann
Notice of decision: 13/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
13/01/2025 - Anti-Fraud, Bribery & Corruption Annual Report
This report is to provide an overview on all
counter fraud activity across the Council’s services
throughout the previous calendar year and represent an up-to-date
account of the work undertaken, including progress and outcomes
aligned with our strategy and core objectives.
Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee
Decision due date: 28/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Jonathan Nelson
Notice of decision: 13/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
13/01/2025 - Monitoring visit to Herefordshire children’s services: The protection of vulnerable children from extra-familial risk
To provide the committee with the summary
findings of the recent Ofsted monitoring visit.
Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 21/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Danial Webb
Notice of decision: 13/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
08/01/2025 - Variation to Framework Partnership between the council and NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (HWICB) relating to the commissioning of health and social care services in connection with the Better Care Fund. ref: 10484 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director - All Ages Commissioning
Decision published: 10/01/2025
Effective from: 08/01/2025
Approval of the Variation to Framework
Partnership effective from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.
Lead officer: Marie Gallagher
10/01/2025 - Malvern Hills National Landscape Management Plan
To consider and adopt the new management plan
for the Malvern Hills National Landscape.
Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment
Decision due date: 14/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: James Bisset, Ben Boswell
Notice of decision: 10/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
10/01/2025 - Care Quality Commission (CQC) Assurance visit preparation
To scrutinise preparation for an anticipated
visit from the Care Quality Commission
Decision Maker: Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 27/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Emma Evans
Notice of decision: 10/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
07/01/2025 - Decision to appoint Buttress Architects Limited as Lead Consultant to deliver design and consultancy services for flood alleviation required at key city centre sites including Merton Meadow ref: 10482 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director Economy and Growth
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 07/01/2025
Commission Buttress Architects Limited to
deliver design and consultancy services to RIBA 4 in relation to
flood alleviation works at Merton Meadow via the Fusion21
Consultancy Framework Lot No 4 (Fusion 21 Project Reference 18101)
up to a contract value of £767,252.80. Buttress Architects
Limited will manage a set of multi-disciplinary sub-contractors to
inform RIBA 0-4 works.
Lead officer: Bijoy Ali
02/01/2025 - Short-term License to Occupy in respect of Unit 32, 1 Gomond Street, Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford. ref: 10481 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/01/2025
1. The tenant has negotiated a deal to take
the currently vacant Unit 32 on a short-term license
2. The Centre comprises multiple units, some of which have been
vacant for some time and it is important that occupation levels are
maximized so that the holding costs incurred by the Council are
3. This unit has been unoccupied since the previous tenant
4. The terms agreed leave the tenant responsible for payment of the
service charge, insurance, business rates and utilities in line
with the Maylord Orchards Management Plan (January 2024).
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
02/01/2025 - Short-term License to Occupy in respect of Unit 17, 7 Gomond Street, Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford. ref: 10480 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/01/2025
1. The tenant has negotiated a deal to take
the currently vacant Unit 17 on a short-term license
2. The Centre comprises multiple units, some of which have been
vacant for some time and it is important that occupation levels are
maximized so that the holding costs incurred by the Council are
3. This unit has been unoccupied since the previous tenant
4. The terms agreed leave the tenant responsible for payment of the
service charge, insurance, business rates and utilities in line
with the Maylord Orchards Management Plan (January 2024).
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
03/01/2025 - Decision to provide Homes for Ukraine sponsors with additional payments with effect from 1 April 2025 ref: 10479 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Service Director - All Ages Commissioning
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 03/01/2025
A payment of £150 per month to be made
to each eligible Homes for Ukraine sponsor, for the length of their
Ukrainian guests’ visa under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme and
subsequent Ukraine Permission Extension Scheme visa. This is in
response to central government’s decision that it will only
pay thank you payments at a flat rate of £350 per month, with
effect from 1 April 2025 up to the end of the 18 month Ukraine
Permission Extension Scheme.
Lead officer: Nina Bridges
20/12/2024 - To extend the existing contract with Access Independent Ltd for the provision of the Occupational Therapy Assessment Support Service ref: 10478 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 20/12/2024
To approve a three month extension to the
current Occupational Therapy (OT) Assessment Support Service
contract with Access Independent Ltd, which will run to 31 March
To date, the service has spent approximately 52% of its allocated
budget of £75,000. Therefore, there is sufficient funding
available for the contract extension.
Lead officer: Sharon Amery
17/12/2024 - To extend the existing contract with Mole Valley Life for the provision of the proactive digital alarm receiving centre ref: 10477 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director - Community Wellbeing
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 17/12/2024
To approve a two month extension of the
current proactive digital alarm receiving centre service with Mole
Valley Life, which forms part of the council’s Predict and
Prevent Programme. The extension will run to 31 March 2025.
To date, the service has spent approximately 19% of its allocated
annual budget of £27,335. Therefore, there is sufficient
funding available for the contract extension.
Lead officer: Sharon Amery
08/01/2025 - Update to Finance and Contract Procedure Rules
To review and approve the proposed updates to
the Contract Procedure Rules, the Financial Procedure Rules and the
Financial Procedure Rules Guidance Notes. To ensure council
financial and contract procedure rules are up-to-date following the
introduction of the Procurement Act 2023 and Procurement
Regulations 2024, which is new legislation due to come into effect
on 24 February 2025 in order to ensure transparency about how
public resources are used and controlled to mitigate the potential
for fraud and ensure compliance with relevant
Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee
Decision due date: 28/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachel Capon, Rachael Sanders
Notice of decision: 08/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
07/01/2025 - Hoople Ltd Update February 2025
To provide an update to the shareholder
committee in respect to the operation of Hoople over the last 4
Decision Maker: Shareholder Committee
Decision due date: 24/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
Notice of decision: 07/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - view reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
the report will include commercial sensitive operational and financial information about Hoople
07/01/2025 - Cyber Quarter Ltd Update February 2025
To provide an update to Shareholder Committee
on the operation of Cyber Quarter Ltd over previous 4
Decision Maker: Shareholder Committee
Decision due date: 24/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachael Sanders
Notice of decision: 07/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - view reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
the report will contain information on the operation costs and expenses of the company and potentially the decisions that will need to be made about the main asset
07/01/2025 - Work programme 2024/5
To consider the draft work programme for
Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee for the municipal year
Decision Maker: Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee
Decision due date: 15/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Danial Webb
Notice of decision: 07/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
07/01/2025 - contract and procedure rules test
To provide the committee with an update
Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee
Decision due date: 28/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Jenny Preece
Notice of decision: 07/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
07/01/2025 - contract and procedure rules
To provide the committee with an
Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee
Decision due date: 28/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Rachel Capon, Carrie Christopher, Jenny Preece
Notice of decision: 07/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
30/12/2024 - Award of highway works associated with Highway Infrastructure Investment – Works Order 6 ref: 10473 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Corporate Director – Economy & Environment
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 30/12/2024
To award a contract (Works Order 6) to Tarmac
Trading Ltd using the Council’s NEC 4 Framework Agreement, to
the initial value of £165,270.23 to resurface C and U roads
across the county and to authorise a contingency of
Lead officer: Ed Bradford
03/01/2025 - Code of Conduct for Councillors Update 2024/25
The 6 monthly update report on the
arrangements and operation of the Code of Conduct process for
Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee
Decision due date: 28/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Sean O'Connor
Notice of decision: 03/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Open
23/12/2024 - Temporary letting in respect of Unit 6, 25-27 Maylord Street, Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford ref: 10472 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Senior Estate Manager
Decision published: 02/01/2025
Effective from: 23/12/2024
1. The tenant has negotiated a deal to take
the currently vacant, Unit 6 Maylord Orchards Centre on a short
term Tenancy at Will.
2. The Centre comprises multiple units, some of which have been
vacant for some time and it is important that occupation levels are
maximized so that the holding costs incurred by the Council are
3. The Terms agreed leave the Tenant responsible for payment of the
landlord Service Charge, business rates, insurance, utilities and
internal repairs.
4. The agreement aligns with the Management Plan January 2024 in
respect of short term lettings.
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
23/12/2024 - Lease in respect of Unit 43, 1-2 The Atrium, Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford ref: 10471 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 02/01/2025
Effective from: 23/12/2024
1. The tenant has negotiated a deal to take
the currently vacant, Unit 43 Maylord Orchards Centre on a lease
but wishes to get access in the new year so a short term tenancy at
will is required to allow time for the lease to complete.
2. The Centre comprises multiple units, some of which have been
vacant for some time and it is important that occupation levels are
maximized so that the holding costs incurred by the Council are
3. The Terms agreed leave the Tenant responsible for payment of the
rent, landlord Service Charge, business rates, insurance, utilities
and internal repairs.
4. The letting aligns with the Management Plan January 2024 in
respect of short term lettings.
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
23/12/2024 - Much Marcle CE Primary School - Commercial Transfer Agreement to Diocese of Hereford Multi-Academy Trust ref: 10470 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Senior Estate Manager
Decision published: 02/01/2025
Effective from: 23/12/2024
Much Marcle CE Primary School - Commercial
Transfer Agreement to Diocese of Hereford Multi-Academy Trust -
requested by School.
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
27/11/2024 - A temporary Tenancy at Will in respect of Unit 41, 4 The Atrium, Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford. ref: 10469 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 02/01/2025
Effective from: 27/11/2024
1. The tenant has negotiated a deal extend
their short term occupation of Unit 41 and take a 1-year lease of
the property.
2. The Lease is currently with solicitors but will not be completed
before the end of the tenant’s existing license to
3. The tenant’s occupation of Unit 41 in the interim period
will need to be covered by a Tenancy at Will.
4. The Centre comprises multiple units, some of which have been
vacant for some time and it is important that occupation levels are
maximized so that the holding costs incurred by the Council are
5. This unit has been occupied by this tenant on a short term
license but was previously unoccupied since the previous tenant
vacated when Maylord Orchards was originally promoted as the site
of the new city library.
6. The terms agreed leave the tenant responsible for payment of the
service charge, insurance, business rates and utilities in line
with the Maylord Orchards Management Plan (January 2024).
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
18/12/2024 - Lease in respect of Unit 42, 3 The Atrium, Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford ref: 10468 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 02/01/2025
Effective from: 18/12/2024
1. The tenant has been occupying the unit on a
short term license agreement which expired on 23rd September 2024
when a Tenancy at Will was consequently signed to cover their
continued occupation
2. The tenant has negotiated a deal to take the Unit on a year long
3. The Centre comprises multiple units, some of which have been
vacant for some time and it is important that occupation levels are
maximized so that the holding costs incurred by the Council are
4. The Terms agreed leave the Tenant responsible for payment of the
rent, landlord Service Charge, business rates, insurance, utilities
and internal repairs.
5. The license aligns with the Management Plan January 2024.
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
18/12/2024 - Grant of Licence to Assign and agreement of a Rent Deposit Deed in respect of property at Rotherwas Industrial Estate ref: 10467 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 02/01/2025
Effective from: 18/12/2024
This decision is made following a request from
a tenant in accordance with the terms of their leases. To refuse
would be contrary to the council’s covenant to act
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd
27/11/2024 - A new Lease in respect of Unit 41, 4 The Atrium, Maylord Orchards Centre, Hereford. ref: 10466 Recommendations Approved
Decision Maker: Commercial and Investment Manager
Decision published: 02/01/2025
Effective from: 27/11/2024
1. The tenant has negotiated a deal extend
their short term occupation of Unit 41 and take a 1-year lease of
the property.
2. The Centre comprises multiple units, some of which have been
vacant for some time and it is important that occupation levels are
maximized so that the holding costs incurred by the Council are
3. This unit has been occupied by this tenant on a short term
license but was previously unoccupied since the previous tenant
vacated when Maylord Orchards was originally promoted as the site
of the new city library.
4. The terms agreed leave the tenant responsible for payment of the
service charge, insurance, business rates and utilities in line
with the Maylord Orchards Management Plan (January 2024).
Lead officer: Michelle Chadd