Browse meetings

Adults and wellbeing scrutiny committee

This page lists the meetings for Adults and wellbeing scrutiny committee.


Information about Adults and wellbeing scrutiny committee

The Adults and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee was a scrutiny committee (2017-2022) which had the following remit:


·             Adult social care (including adult safeguarding)

·             Health and wellbeing board

·             Housing

·             Public health

·             Adults and communities budget and policy framework

·             Statutory health scrutiny powers including the review and scrutiny of any matter relating to the planning provision and operation of health services (not reserved to the children and young people scrutiny committee) affecting the area and to make reports and recommendations on these matters.


From the Annual Meeting of Council on 20 May 2022, functions transferred to the following committee:


Health Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee


For further information, please see Scrutiny at Herefordshire Council.