Issue - meetings
Herefordshire Council Plan 2024-2028 (formerly known as Corporate Plan - County Plan 2024-2028)
Meeting: 16/05/2024 - Cabinet (Item 123)
123 Herefordshire Council Plan 2024-2028 PDF 234 KB
The council’s constitution requires Cabinet to make recommendations to council in respect of budget and policy framework items; the Herefordshire Council Plan forms part of this framework.
Additional documents:
- Appendix A Draft Herefordshire Council Plan 2024-2028, item 123
- Appendix B Summary of key findings from formal consultation, item 123
The cabinet member for finance and corporate services provided an over view, it was noted that consultation had taken place widely and an all member briefing took place in February 2024. The Council Plan has aspired to be accessible for all and the intention is to deliver the best for Herefordshire.
The priorities for the next four years were highlighted as; People (for residents to realise their potential), Place (to protect and enhance our environment), Growth (to create conditions to deliver sustainable growth) and Transformation (to be an efficient council that embraces best practice).
Cabinet members discussed the report and it was noted that the Delivery Plan will set out the strategy and confirmed that use of the word endeavour within the Council Plan reiterates the Council’s ambition to strive for the best.
It was noted that the Council Plan contains the Council’s intentions and it is an easy plan to use.
It was referenced that the underpinning theme of ‘Safe, happy and healthy’ ran throughout the Council Plan. Whilst the Council Plan could not contain all the detail, it is focused on the importance of working in partnership.
Group leaders gave the views of their groups. The Council Plan was welcomed, it’s clear and plain language along with the use of diagrams connecting all key documents was helpful. It was acknowledged that input from the Scrutiny Management Board had been received and noted that the recent recommendations had been incorporated into the Plan. Inclusion regarding the river was also welcomed. It was suggested that a children’s version of the plan to set out how it will impact children’s and families would be welcomed.
Concerns were expressed that the strategy wasn’t as strong as it could be and causing more damage, congestion and pollution in the North in respect of the proposed bypass than residents currently experience in the South. It was noted that residents of Southwye had placed congestion and pollution as a clear priority. Concerns were raised regarding difficulty in raising inward investment and attracting people to the County. It was noted there was inconsistency and lack of detail within the Plan regarding housing, affordable housing and the Place objective.
In response to the queries it was confirmed that the Council are investing in employment land, there is a plan to promote the County which, alongside the growth corridor planned with housing, employment land and better transport infrastructure, will feed into the success of the Council Plan.
Confirmed that housing is mentioned under the Growth priority and this will be underpinned by the Delivery Plan and the cross party working group.
It was lastly noted there had been assistance from councillors, officers and cabinet and thanks was extended to all especially to the officers.
It was unanimously resolved that:
(a) The Herefordshire Council Plan 2024-2028, as set out at appendix A, is approved by Cabinet to go forward to the annual Council meeting for agreement