Issue - meetings

Revision of Capital Programme Budget for Priority Flood Works

Meeting: 08/10/2021 - Council (Item 18)


To consider the approval of in year adjustments to the capital programme to allow the realignment of capital spend to priority flood projects that require the reallocation of budget.



Council considered a report by the cabinet member transport and infrastructure concerning the revision of the capital programme budget for priority flood works. The cabinet member transport and infrastructure introduced the report and proposed the recommendations in the report.


Council debated the report and the following actions were raised during the debate:


·        To provide an update on the flood risk strategy to all members.

·        To consider a strategic overview of weight restrictions.

·        The cabinet member transport and infrastructure would discuss Daycroft Lane with the member for Kerne Bridge.


The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning seconded the report, the recommendations were put to the vote and were carried.


RESOLVED – that:


a) Council approves in year adjustments to the capital programme set out in paragraph 11 below to allow realignment of capital spend to flood repair projects that require the allocation of budget within the programme budget of £4.027m as follows: Fownhope Landslip Budget reduced from £1.565m to £0.510m Fownhope Retaining Wall Collapse budget increased from £1m to £1.15m Unallocated budget of £905k from combined Fownhope budgets remains as contingency for remaining flood works; and


b)The Cabinet member for infrastructure and transport is delegated authority (in consultation with the Section 151 officer) to realign the Whitney on Wye and/or the Various Damage site budgets as costs for these works are confirmed.



(There was an adjournment at 1:07 p.m.; the meeting reconvened at 1:41 p.m.)

Meeting: 30/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 53)

53 Revision of Capital Programme Budget for Priority Flood Works pdf icon PDF 294 KB

To consider recommendations from General Scrutiny Committee regarding the proposed capital programme realignment and recommend to council in year adjustments to the capital programme to allow the realignment of capital spend to priority flood projects that require the reallocation of budget.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member infrastructure and transport introduced the item.  He summarised the background to the report and highlighted the recommendations made by the general scrutiny committee at its recent meeting.


Cabinet members discussed the scrutiny recommendations and the proposed response to them.  It was noted that it was important to keep the option open to use capital monies as well as revenue to fund detailed design processes.  It was clarified that additional information would be included in the report to Council but that a detailed breakdown of the outturn would not be available at that meeting.  It was suggested that a report by made back to the scrutiny committee on the detailed costs rather than to Council.


The chairman of the general scrutiny committee commented on the discussion that had taken place in the scrutiny meeting and the need to understand the costs of projects. A scrutiny committee member had queried who would quality control the work and it was suggested that someone within the council should ensure that works were done to its satisfaction separate from the contractor, BBLP.


Group leaders and representatives offered the views and queries of their group.  There was general support for the recommendations in the report and for learning lessons for the future.


Reflecting on the points raised, cabinet members noted that a contract was in place with BBLP for inspections and that they would bear consequences for any failures. In future the council was looking to move to a different way of monitoring and bringing more technical staff in house to be able to offer greater assurance.


It was resolved that:


(a)       the executive response to the recommendations of the general scrutiny committee at appendix 1 be approved, with an amendment that in the response to recommendation (a) the report will be provided to the general scrutiny committee rather than to Council;


(b)       having regard to the recommendations of general scrutiny committee, cabinet recommend to council in year adjustments to the capital programme set out in paragraph 11 below to allow realignment of capital spend to flood repair projects that require the allocation of budget within the programme budget of £4.027m as follows:


Fownhope Landslip Budget reduced from £1.565m to £0.510m


Fownhope Retaining Wall Collapse budget increased from £1m to £1.15m


Unallocated budget of £905k from combined Fownhope budgets remains as contingency for remaining flood works; and


(c)       The Cabinet member for infrastructure and transport is delegated authority (in consultation with the Section 151 officer) to realign the Whitney on Wye and/or the Various Damage site budgets as costs for these works are confirmed.