Issue - decisions



Subject to the consideration of the receipt of any objections arising from the formal Notice of Proposal a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will be introduced under Part 1, Section 1 & 2 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 , the effect of which will be to introduce No Waiting at Any Time restrictions on the following stretches of road;
Junction of Mortimer Street and Wigmore Street
Mortimer Street (Southern Side)
- From its junction with Wigmore Street to a point 10m west of its junction with Wigmore Street
- From its junction with Wigmore Street to a point 10m east of its junction with Wigmore Street
Wigmore Street (Eastern Side)
- From its junction with Mortimer Street to a point 10m south of its junction with Mortimer Street
Wigmore Street (Western Side)
- From its junction with Mortimer Street to a point 10m south of its junction with Mortimer Street
Junction of Wigmore Street and Croft Street
Wigmore Street (Western Side)
- From its junction with Croft Street to a point 21m southwest of its junction with Croft Street
Wigmore Street (Eastern Side)
- From its junction with Croft Street to a point 12m north of its junction with Croft Street
Croft Street (Northern Side)
- From its junction with Wigmore Street to a point 10m east of its junction with Wigmore Street
Westernmost Junction of Churchill Avenue and Croft Street
Croft Street (Southern Side)
- From its junction with Churchill Avenue to a point 13m east of its junction with Churchill Avenue
- From its junction with Churchill Avenue to a point 10m west of its junction with Churchill Avenue
Churchill Avenue (Western Side)
- From its junction with Croft Street to a point 19m south of its junction with Croft Street
Churchill Avenue (Eastern Side)
- From its junction with Croft Street to a point 21m south of its junction with Croft Street
Easternmost Junction of Churchill Avenue, Croft Street and Mortimer Place
Croft Street (Northern Side)
- From its junction with Mortimer Place to a point 20m west of its junction with Mortimer Place
Croft Street (Southern Side)
- From its junction with Churchill Avenue to a point 24m northwest of its junction with Churchill Avenue
Croft Street (Eastern Side)
- From its junction with Mortimer Place to a point to its junction with Churchill Avenue. A distance of 5m
Mortimer Place (Eastern Side)
- From its junction with Croft Street to a point 10m north of its junction with Croft Street
Mortimer Place (Western Side)
- From its junction with Croft Street to a point 10m north of its junction with Croft Street
Churchill Avenue (Eastern Side)
- From a point 70m west of its junction with Hereford Road to a point 80m west of its junction with Hereford Road
Churchill Avenue (Western Side)
- From its junction with Croft Street to a point 10m south of its junction with Croft Street
Junction of Mortimer Street, Alderman’s Meadow and Mortimer Place

Mortimer Street (Northern Side)
- From its junction with Alderman’s Meadow to a point 16m west of its junction with Alderman’s Meadow
Mortimer Street (Southern Side)
- From its junction with Mortimer Place to a point 23m northwest of its junction with Mortimer place
Mortimer Street (Eastern Side)
- From its junction with Alderman’s Meadow to its junction with Mortimer Place. A distance of 8m
Alderman’s Meadow (North-western Side)
- From its junction with Mortimer Street to a point 9m north of its junction with Mortimer Street
Alderman’s Meadow (South-eastern Side)
- From its junction with Mortimer Street to a point 13m north of its junction with Mortimer Street
Mortimer Place (Western Side)
- From its junction with Mortimer Street to a point 14m south of its junction with Mortimer Street
Mortimer Place (Eastern Side)
- From its junction with Mortimer Street to a point 12m south of its junction with Mortimer Street
Junction of Churchill Avenue and George Street

Churchill Avenue (Southern Side)
- From its junction with George Street to a point 4m east of its junction with George Street
- From its junction with George Street to a point 8m west of its junction with George Street
George Street (Western Side)
- From its junction with Churchill Avenue to a point 10m south of its junction with Churchill Avenue
George Street (Eastern Side)
- From its junction with Churchill Avenue to ap point 10m south of its junction with Churchill Avenue
Junction of Elm Close and Hereford Road
Hereford Road (Western Side)
- From its junction with Elm Close to a point 10m north of its junction with Elm Close
- From its junction with Elm Close to a point 10m south of its junction with Elm Close.
Elm Close (Southern Side)
- From its junction with Hereford Road to a point 18m west of its junction with Hereford Road
Elm Close (Northern Side)
From its junction with Hereford Road to a point 17m west of its junction with Hereford Road