Agenda item

To approve a revised business case and budget for the expansion of Marlbrook Primary School within the approved capital allocation

To approve a revised business case and budget for the expansion of Marlbrook Primary School within the approved capital allocation, to accommodate the additional pupils admitted from 2014 in response to rising numbers in South Hereford and to meet parental preference.


The cabinet member commissioning, procurement and assets introduced the item. She highlighted that Marlbrook Primary School had been rated as Outstanding by Ofsted and was also a teaching school. The need to invest in schools was recognised.


The assistant director education development and skills and the interim education and capital manager attended to provide technical advice on the report.


The assistant director education development and skills spoke on the need to provide additional school places in this part of Hereford in response to demographic growth. The school were currently using temporary accommodation and it was proposed that this would be replaced as part of the scheme to deliver 6 new classrooms and ancillary space. The council had previously approved an allocation in the capital programme. The total cost of the project was still within that allocation but as changes had been made to the specification, the item had been brought back to the cabinet for review and approval to draw down the full amount allocated.


In discussion of the item cabinet members noted that:

·         The school had a travel plan in place and the proposed revisions to the access arrangements would further encourage walking and cycling;

·         The school offered extensive opportunities for adult learning and a breakfast club, both of which would continue in the expanded accommodation;

·         This important project had been in development for some time and would build on a highly valued school which served an area of deprivation;

·         Audit recommendations from past capital projects were being followed and this was part of the reason why the project had been brought back for further approval following changes to the specification and costs, even though the overall cost was still within the sum allocated in the capital programme;

·         The cost plan had been scrutinised by external independent cost consultants and their report had been included as an appendix to the report;

·         The costs included some contingency funds which might not be required;

·         Moving forward there would be an emphasis on controlling costs and ensuring the project delivered on time and to a standard of design and construction that met the reasonable expectations set out in Department for Education guidelines;

·         The project board had representation from various teams across the council, including the Section 151 officer as required, to provide technical advice and oversight;

·         It was unlikely that there would be further expansion on this site due to lack of space, population forecasts suggested that the primary school population was levelling off with higher numbers now moving into secondary schools.


Group leaders expressed support for the project and in investing in good schools generally.


It was resolved that:


a)    the revised business case for the expansion of Marlbrook Primary School at Appendix 1 be approved;


b)    a revised scheme cost of up to £6,141m be approved (being an additional £1.006m to the previously approved cost); and


c)    the director for children and families be authorised to take all operational decision necessary to implement the above recommendations within the agreed budget.

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