Agenda item

Presentation by Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing)

The Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing) will comment on achievements or areas for improvement in the past year in his programme area as it relates to this Committee, what will need to be addressed in the coming year and indicate issues he may wish to involve Scrutiny in in the future.



The Chairman invited Councillor JG Jarvis, Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing) to comment on: achievements or areas for improvement in the past year in his programme area as it related to this Committee; what will need to be addressed in the coming year and indicate issues he may wish to involve scrutiny in in the future.


The Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing) informed the committee that his presentation would be given by the relevant Head of Service followed by comment from himself.


Mr P Nicholas, Assistant Director (Environment & Culture) presented a brief overview of the environmental health and trading standards division and indicated what the service did; its performance against targets; how it contributed to the CAA; notable achievements and indicated a number of current or future projects.


Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing) added that following the successful opening of the new Hereford crematorium, landscaping works would be undertaken to the surrounding area. Complaints had been received concerning the audio system when used by members of the public and these were being investigated. He acknowledged the work of his predecessor Cabinet Member for initiating the project. 


He confirmed that following a review of the Pest Control Service the Service would remain in-house as he considered it important to secure a good service for the whole of the County.  He would be considering further ways of ensuring good value for money.


Questioned on expenditure levels through the capital programme on land fill sites, the Assistant Director (Environment & Culture) reported that as land fill sites became older increased monitoring or maintenance could become necessary.  The Director of Environment and Culture undertook to report on land fill sites to a future meeting.


Mr R Wood, Waste Services Manager, presented a brief overview of the Waste Management Service and highlighted that overall waste tonnages were down and recycling and composting percentages were up. He commented on the position of the waste disposal PFI contract and the benefits of the new Refuse Collection & Recycling Service.  Discussions concerning the possible use of environmentally advanced refuse vehicles were ongoing.


The Cabinet Member added that as part of the negotiations with Focsa the possibility of them using some of the most environmentally advanced refuse collection vehicles in Europe was being discussed.  A competition was being planned with schools for a poster to advertise recycling on the sides of vehicles.  He anticipated that Members would be invited to visit the recycling site at Norton, Worcestershire, to see the sorting process.


Comment was made that achieving recycling targets seemed to be going in the right direction and clarification was given regarding the intended opening hours of the new household waste site in Kington.


Mr A Ashcroft, Head of Planning and Transportation, presented a brief overview of the Planning and Transportation Service.  He highlighted that major progress was being made on the Local Development Framework (LDF) through the LDF Task Group; following the credit crunch there had been a fall in building activity with reduced fee income, however, indications were that things were starting to pick up, and improvements were being made in ICT services through the new web site access.  Two major areas of work were underway, a response to the document “Looking at us from outside” would soon be considered by Cabinet and the ongoing need for the Service to engage with stakeholders was being addressed.


Comment was made that the Service needed to be clear about what and how the public required from the new web site.  The Cabinet Member agreed that this was an important area as it would be, in many cases, the public’s first point of contact.  It would also be the Members interface with officers.


The Chairman thanked Councillor JG Jarvis, Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing), for answering the Committees questions.


RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted.