Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Council Chamber - The Shire Hall, St. Peter's Square, Hereford, HR1 2HX. View directions

Contact: Tim Brown, Governance Services 

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Mr Edwards, Mr A Evans, Mr G Evans, Mr Farmer, Mrs Johnson, Mr Knapp, Mr Henton and Mr Lewis.



To receive any details of Members nominated to attend the meeting in place of a Member of the Forum.




(It was reported that Mr Burbidge had been authorised to represent the views of the maintained primary and secondary school governor representatives who had been unable to attend the meeting.)




To receive any declarations of interest by Members in respect of items on the Agenda.




(It was reported that the meeting was inquorate. As provided for in section 9 of the Forum’s Constitution this meant that the meeting could proceed but could not legally take decisions. The meeting could respond to local authority consultation and give views to the local authority. The local authority may choose to take account of views from an inquorate meeting, but was not legally obliged to do so.


It was noted that there were some decisions invited on two of the items.  Consideration would be given to whether the urgent decision making mechanism in the constitution would need to be employed subsequent to the meeting.)


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 683 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2018.


The meeting indicated approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2018.


Update on national school funding pdf icon PDF 197 KB

To receive an update from the schools finance manager on national developments in schools funding.


The Schools Finance Manager (SFM) gave a presentation.


A copy of the slides is attached to these minutes at appendix 1.


In response to questions the SFM clarified the role of the F40 Group comprising the 40 lowest funded local authorities.  He considered that Herefordshire being part of this grouping offered access to the Secretary of State in a way that Herefordshire would not achieve otherwise.  The Department for Education was under no illusion about the funding pressures faced by schools, in particular in relation to high needs.


Thanks were extended to the SFM for his work on the F40 group and his contribution to ensuring that the voice of Herefordshire was heard at national level.


The interim Assistant Director provided an update on Robert Owen school indicating that it would close at the end of August 2018.  Places had been found for pupils at other schools.  It was not yet clear whether the government would make additional funding available for those schools.  The future of the school buildings was as yet unknown.


The agenda item was noted.


Local management of schools directed changes pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To approve a change to the council’s local scheme for managing schools, as directed by the Department for Education. The directed change is to ensure that loans agreed by the council with schools in future are for capital purposes only.

Additional documents:


The Forum was invited to approve a change to the council’s local scheme for managing schools, as directed by the Department for Education. The directed change was to ensure that loans agreed by the council with schools in future are for capital purposes only.


The Schools Finance Manager (SFM) presented the report.


Members supported the amendments to the scheme for financing schools.


The SFM reported that as the Secretary of State had directed that the changes be made with effect from 22 March 2018, the matter could await ratification by the Forum in October.





Review of Schools Forum Membership pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To review the membership of the Herefordshire Schools Forum and the Budget Working Group and to consider arrangements for elections of members for the 2018-2021 term.


The Forum was invited to review the membership of the Herefordshire Schools Forum and the Budget Working Group and to consider arrangements for elections of members for the 2018-2021 term.


Members indicated support for recommendations as set out in the report:



(a)        the outcome of the annual review of proportionality is noted and no changes are made to allocations of seats on Herefordshire Schools Forum;

(b)        the allocation of seats on the budget working group be adjusted in line with the outcome of the proportionality review by reducing the number of seats allocated to local authority maintained secondary schools to one and increasing the number of seats allocated to academies to five; and

(c) the timetable for elections to the forum for the 2018-2021 term, as set out in paragraph 17, is supported.


It was noted that consideration would be given to whether the mechanism for taking an urgent decision on any of these matters would need to be employed.


Herefordshire Council Budget Priorities Consultation pdf icon PDF 624 KB

To brief members of the forum on the council’s budget priorities consultation for 2019/20.

Additional documents:


The Schools Finance Manager (SFM) gave a presentation briefing members of the Forum on the council’s budget priorities consultation for 2019/20.


A copy of the slides is attached to these minutes at appendix 2.  The budget consultation questionnaire had been circulated as a supplement to the agenda papers.


In discussion the following principal points were raised:


·        The apprentice levy was discussed.  It was noted that if the funding was not spent any unspent balances were returned to government and not schools.  It was observed that were a range of activities that were eligible for funding from the levy.  It was proposed that a briefing should be issued to all schools via the September edition of the Spotlight highlighting the opportunities available for using this funding.  The subject could also be added to the agenda for the Governor and Head Teacher briefings in the Autumn.

·        The pressure business rates placed on businesses and the effect this had on school fund raising opportunities was mentioned.  The cabinet member finance and corporate services commented that business rates whilst collected by the council were set nationally.  Whilst the regime was changing and councils would retain a higher proportion of this income locally it was unclear what responsibilities might be placed upon councils alongside this change and whether the rate levels would change.

·        The cabinet member finance and corporate services undertook to seek clarification on the council’s policy on the future operation and funding of children’s centres.

·        The provision of bus services and community care packages were also touched upon.

Members of the forum noted the presentation.




Date of Next Meeting


It was noted that the next scheduled meeting was 19 October 2018.


In closing the meeting, noting that elections to the Forum were due, the Vice-Chairman thanked members for their contribution to the Forum’s work.


Thanks were expressed to officers for their work in supporting the Forum.