Issue - meetings

Integrated Care System and One Herefordshire

Meeting: 14/10/2019 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 18)

18 Integrated Care System and One Herefordshire pdf icon PDF 238 KB

To provide an update and overview of the developing Integrated Care System and One Herefordshire.

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The Director of Strategy and Transformation for NHS Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and One Herefordshire, and Joint Programme Director for the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) [hereafter referred to as ‘director of strategy and transformation’] was invited to update the board on the Integrated Care System and One Herefordshire.  In response to a question from the chairperson, the director of strategy and transformation clarified that the purpose of the item was to bring the proposals to the board for discussion and approval, rather than as a formal public consultation.


The director of strategy and transformation delivered the ‘Integrated Primary and Community Services’ presentation, starting with the slide ‘The NHS Long Term Plan’.  Questions and comments from attendees included:


1.           The chairperson drew attention to paragraph 4 (agenda page 138) of the covering report, ‘The plan commits funding to the networks for additional resources …’, and questioned how much funding was being committed for Herefordshire and how this compared to Worcestershire.  The director of strategy and transformation said that there was a national funding formula which would support a range of activities and provision of staff in the Primary Care Networks over the next five years.


2.           Referring to paragraph 9 (agenda page 139), ‘As part of the development of STPs into ICSs the local ‘place’ will need to be developed…’ the chairperson questioned the stage that the local system was at and the role of the health and wellbeing board.  The director of strategy and transformation commented on the work of the One Herefordshire integration programme and considered that partnership working was relatively mature compared to some other areas, although there was more work to be done.  Local ‘place’ was seen as being coterminous with the health and wellbeing board boundaries and there was a strong role for the board as convenor of the system, particularly given its links with prevention, wellbeing, and local accountability.


3.           The director of public health commented on the need to reflect on the roles of the system partners as ‘anchor’ organisations, including opportunities in terms of healthy workforces and the climate change agenda.  The director of strategy and transformation suggested that this could be a future topic for the board and noted that addressing inequalities and prevention were key threads in the work being undertaken.


4.           The Managing Director of Taurus Healthcare commented on the distinction between Primary Care Networks and general practice, and the vision to engage with communities and the prevention agenda.  The vice-chairperson noted the importance of education and addressing the broader determinants of health and wellbeing.  The cabinet member - children and families added that eating healthily was also a key factor.


5.           The chief executive said that, as explored at a recent meeting of NHS and local authority leads across the Midlands, there was a clear need for the NHS to work with local authorities in the co-shaping of the plan.  Therefore, the starting point needed the joint development of a long term plan for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18