Issue - meetings

Herefordshire’s Better Care Fund (BCF) and Integration plan 2019-20 and section 75 agreement

Meeting: 27/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 107)

107 Herefordshire’s Better Care Fund (BCF) and Integration plan 2019-20 and section 75 agreement pdf icon PDF 379 KB

To approve the council’s contribution to the Herefordshire better care fund (BCF) and Integration plan 2019-20 and the section 75 agreement from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2025.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member health and adult wellbeing introduced the item.


The head of partnerships and integration highlighted key points of the report. It was noted that the better care fund was a national mandated programme and many of the services included within the fund were standard activities for the council and its health partners.


In discussing the item cabinet members noted that:

·         The rate of delayed transfers of care had seen a huge improvement and investment was continuing to sustain and further improve this figure;

·         The merger of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire clinical commissioning groups was expected in April 2020, it was hoped that the established relationships with local providers and partners would support continued good practice during this transition;

·         As most of the work included would be seen as ‘business as usual’ the budget would be monitored through the usual directorate processes and reported to cabinet through quarterly budget and performance reports;

·         Allocation of resources within the fund was clearly defined and ring fenced;

·         It was important that the council continued to work with medical services to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and the portfolio holder would be monitoring progress.


Group leaders were invited to express the views of their group. It was noted that:

·         The reduction in rates of delayed transfers of care was encouraging;

·         The impact of the transitional situation with the clinical commissioning group would need to be monitored.


It was resolved that:


(a)   the council’s contribution to the better care fund of £31.5m revenue and £2m capital for 2019/20 be approved;


(b)  approval be given for the council to enter into a section 75 agreement with Herefordshire clinical commissioning group (CCG) for up to 5 years, (1 April 2020 to 31 March 2025); and


(c)   the director for adults and communities and the director for childrens and families be authorised, following consultation with the solicitor to the council and s151 officer, to take all operational decisions necessary to approve the scheme level detail within the budget approved by Cabinet in the s75 agreement on an annual basis to 31 March 2025.